I'm having trouble glueing abs Hayward unions to pvc...


Platinum Supporter
May 5, 2015
Enumclaw, Wa
Hey guys and gals, I'm having leaks between my Hayward unions and my 2" pvc pipe. I just realized when i ordered another one that it's not pvc it's white abs. Is there a special glue i need to use? Any helpful info with this?

Thank you,
I am not aware of any suggestions to use on the union threads ... I just use a pair of very large channel lock pliers to gently tighten or loosen them. Or you could use a strap wrench.
When you glue PVC, clean, prime, go heavy on the glue, both pipes being joined. Push them together, give a quarter twist, and hold. Count to 10 and see if they push out. If they do, push them back together and count to 10 again.
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