IG vinyl leak at steps?


Mar 10, 2013
Florence SC
This sort of makes sense to me but I wanted to see if I was off. The pool is over 35 years old and the steps are fiberglass, and there's some cracking in the gelcoat, and a few pieces actually missing now, where you can see the strands of fiberglass underneath. I think this is a likely spot for leaking, and I was going to try and repair it with some JenWeld that is supposed to work underwater. Love to hear anyone's thoughts! Thanks !
Hey Vrol !!! Got any pics to help stir everyone’s thoughts ?

Sounds like they are past their shelf life. Hopefully the patches hold as stairs are rather pricey right now. They were $2500 for your average set a month or so ago, not including draining/ filling and labor.

Certainly not to wish any other issues on you, but if the stairs are 35 years old, so is the skimmer/drains and plumbing. The obvious answer may not be the issue.

How old is the liner ? Any other obvious flaws or concerns ?
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