iAqualink RS8 firmware question


New member
May 22, 2020
Pleasanton, CA
Hi, I've has the RS8 with vT-2 firmware on the main control board for about 5 years. around 3 years ago i replaced pump with Pentair intelliflo VSF. I think its about the most popular variable speed pump on the market. The T2 FW will not allow to program the pump in speed mode and flow mode. One must select either speed of flow in the pump configuration and then cannot use the other mode in the eight pump menu slots. Said another way, the T2 can run VS mode or VF mode, but not both as is available if the VSF pump. What I wish to know is if there is a new FW chip that accomplishes this, and where I might obtain the latest FW rom/eprom chip.
The Aqualink CPU aboard needs to be replaced to change the firmware.

Some folks lie @PoolGate have bought them on eBay. Otherwise yiu have to go through an authorized Jandy dealer.

I doubt Jandy had made any updates to Pentair VS pump controls.

Most recent Aqualink rev I have heard of is Y.