I knew this was going to happen! My turn for a SLAM.


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May 31, 2015
Gaylesville, AL
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I knew this was going to be the case!

I usually open my pool an Easter weekend, but this year I spent it in the hospital with my wife.
We just got home on the 16th of May, and I have been dealing with Hospice Care, and taking care of her.

As a result, I did not get the chance to open the pool until earlier this morning (2 months behind schedule).
It got to 92* outside today, and my water is sitting at 77*.
I opened to a LIME green pool! I got the plumbing all hooked up, and set the Stenner to run until told otherwise with a fresh 55g drum of 12.5% bleach.

I opened it at 11am and got it all running. I tested the water at 3pm the 4# of CYA had been dispersed. which would put me at about 40 for CYA (rough guess). My FC was showing at 10.5. (Gotta Love a Stenner!)
I set the timer to kick off at 7pm. I have it set to run for 2 hours in the morning. I will test it again after that run.

This is what the pool looked like at 3pm... I swear I can see an improvement already, it isn't the bright LIME green that I opened to!


We just got home on the 16th of May, and I have been dealing with Hospice Care, and taking care of her.

Sorry for what you're going through.

Pools take a backseat to life, all the time. We are here if you need us. Keep us posted and we'll cheer you on.

Oh to have a stenner in case I ever need to SL....oh I have a stenner.

Went SWCG, but kept the Stenner for open and close. Never thought about it for SLAM...but Yeah...A SLAM and Stenner is living at the RITZ!!!

And a 55 gallon drum??? The Penthouse!
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Well, I just tested, and came up with 14.5FC. I think that is where I need to be right now.
I set the Stenner to Random on the timer, and will test as the day goes on. It should bump me up a bit.
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Well, I just tested, and came up with 14.5FC. I think that is where I need to be right now.
I set the Stenner to Random on the timer, and will test as the day goes on. It should bump me up a bit.
tested again at 12pm. Was at 17.
Went out at 1pm and set the Stenner to run for 15min, then shut down for an hour repeatedly.
We'll see where that puts me.
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Seems to be good... slipped a bit to 16, but I did do a bunch of brushing, vacuuming and set Zippy into the pool after the vacuum came back without a bunch of garbage.

I can't tell from the picture, but my eye is saying that there is an improvement. (Maybe Wishful thinking?)

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How's the pool looking today?

Hope you're OK with dealing with your wife. She comes first and foremost. Many prayers for you.
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Well, I am starting to see a faint hint of the liner print on the bottom of the pool, and am going through WAY less chlorine!
I vacuumed manually this morning and once finished, I noticed that I didn't have to backwash the filter, so decided to throw Zippy (my pressure side cleaner) into the pool.
To my surprise, I could see Zippy from the house window 100+ feet away working the bottom. :)
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The pics are showing the progress. This is about when the visual progress slows, and the pics will prove to you its working. Otherwise it's like watching grass grow.
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I do know that I am using less and less chlorine.
I started with 15 on 60 off with the Stenner timer.
Then I went to 10 on 65 off.
Every day for the past 2 days I have been deleting certain doses due to it running a bit hot.
And I haven't dosed after dark for 3 days.

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