I knew I was Pool Stored when...

So I think karma should spare me this time at least
When we moved in the new place, we inherited 2 half full cases of powdered shock. They probably panicked when there was only 18 bags left and stocked up.

I combined them and listed the full case on OfferUp for half retail and they went in a day or two. The guy who bought them was going to buy them either way, so we helped each other out. I felt around with some softball questions and he wasn't ready to learn or listen. Ok buddy. Off you go. Come back if you'd ever like to know more.
Why yes, I do use copper algaecide in my pool; how did you know?

Why do they even make it? Does the copper do ANYTHING positive? You can’t pay me to buy it again, but I’m just curious why out of all the algaecides out there (yes, I know we only recommend Polyquat lol), whyyyy choose one with copper in it?! Do folks see it on the shelves and think “hmmmm, adding copper to my water sounds like a brilliant idea!” 😂😂😂😂
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Why do they even make it? Does the copper do ANYTHING positive? You can’t pay me to buy it again, but I’m just curious why out of all the algaecides out there (yes, I know we only recommend Polyquat for closing as extra, optional insurance lol), I just don’t see how people could think “hmmmm, adding copper to my water sounds like a brilliant idea!” 😂😂😂😂
It allows the sellers to then sell you a sequestrant. :)
Does the copper do ANYTHING positive?
Copper is a decent algae inhibitor, but easily gets overwhelmed in a bloom and can't keep up. Because of the 'cide' part of the name, it commonly gets reccomended to kill algae, which isn't its thing.
I just don’t see how people could think “hmmmm, adding copper to my water sounds like a brilliant idea!”
Because it's not called CopperStainMaker9000. It's called Bioguard Banish. (Etc etc) Who doesn't want to banish algae ? Then we can save on chlorine if we don't need it !!!! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Of course they don't read the label. Heck, my own poolstore people never read any of their labels to know.
you have poolstore people????
Back in the day. They'd have me add copper algecide (banish) and then question why my copper was borderline high. They honestly had no clue. Years later I pointed it out to two of them and a couple weeks later, a fresh batch of 15 year olds had no clue.

Looks like nothing had changed because the GC for my build looked me dead in the eyes and told me his liquid shock was 99%
I was pool stored when they told me that I will need to buy 61 1lb bags of BioGuard Burnout 3 at $10/bag to essentially do a single SLAM-equivalent procedure. $610 vs $42 it's costing me to get 7 gal of 10% Bleach from Walmart.

Omg 😱 That’s somewhere a little south of 140ppm worth of fc! Insane 😵‍💫

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$610 vs $42
Wow. $610 would cover the cost of chlorine, gas for the heater, water, pool toys, electricity running the pump, salt, MA, lemonade, BBQ food and suntan lotion for the entire swim season up here. With money to spare for a huge party. 🤣
We bought our pool house in February and I had no knowledge about maintenance. I'm an engineer and generally very scepictal because good craftsman seems something not existing in florida. One day before the house closure I met the pool guy, who serviced the pool for the last 6 month when the house was unsold. He offered me a no worries service including chemicals for "only" $150 a month, which I did not take of course and double confirmed my scepticism another time. Here the list of things I discovered and solved so far
- Cartridge filter old as heck, filthy and black
- Pump leak at the shaft
- Pump casing inlet leak
- Suction robot worn out and non working
- abandoned return plug broken and left open
- missing timer clips, pump just run 24h
- main drain valve air leak
- pool light glass shattered, full of water

And at the same time I also had to learn TFP method! Fortunately with all the great people and information here, it wasn't too bad. I'm so greatful!
I was lucky to find TFP fairly early on. I became suspicious of the pool store on our second trip, when the brand new employee behind the counter had to keep redoing the test because he was clueless. After that, we took a sample across the street to other pool store, where we were given wildly different numbers and a 7 page printout of the various chemicals we needed. :cautious: I left there empty handed and good thing because if I had listened, we surely would have had to drain the pool. After brief misadventure with a pool service that turned out to be a bunch of lying liars that lied, I found TFP and never looked back.

Thanks to TFP, I finally understood why I needed to keep adding acid and figured out why I was holding chlorine with the SWCG. I followed the SLAM and my pool water turned the color I had been expecting, instead of the weird greenish hue that everyone kept saying was fine. Now my water is crystal clear and feels amazing!

On my last trip to a pool store to stock up on acid (they are the cheapest), I overheard the employee telling someone that “chlorine won’t kill algae, it only bleaches it out so you can’t see it. Only algaecide kills algae!“ It was all I could do not to interject!
Here I've heard from a self-claimed "expert" (so not "poolstored" - but more "pool-owner-stored"):
"The only thing that kills agae is a high PH. Chlorine is just for killing human bacteria, so you only need to add it when the pool is actually used.
That's why they use so much chlorine in indoor, public swimming pools. They don't need to fight algea, since algea can only grow where there's foliage......."
He also tested my pool with a 16-1 strip from Aliexpress and claimed that chlorine over 5 will eat your skin........
Here I've heard from a self-claimed "expert" (so not "poolstored" - but more "pool-owner-stored"):
"The only thing that kills agae is a high PH. Chlorine is just for killing human bacteria, so you only need to add it when the pool is actually used.
That's why they use so much chlorine in indoor, public swimming pools. They don't need to fight algea, since algea can only grow where there's foliage......."
He also tested my pool with a 16-1 strip from Aliexpress and claimed that chlorine over 5 will eat your skin........

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