Howdy From 1st Time Pool Owner in Rural Central Texas!


Gold Supporter
Jul 22, 2022
Cameron, Texas 76520
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I have never had a pool and never wanted a pool. For decades, I watched many of my friends struggle with maintaining pools while working 50+ hours per week. Who needs that kind of time and money drain with little time to enjoy it (Just a hole in the ground …)?

In January, my sweet esposa and I bought the perfect house in the perfect location. Too bad, it came with a 24 ft diameter AG vinyl pool. The pool had not been cared for since August, so it was a greenish shade of black.

In April, I retired as an engineer in the petrochemical industry (Houston Ship Channel), and looked forward to tackling this challenging chemistry project that would become a major attraction for eight grandchildren (8 years and younger). Applying various bits of info that I found on the internet cleared the pool up beautifully (lots of dichlor granules, lots of test strips, and scooping & vacuuming LOTS of leaves).

In June, the pool was a BIG splash for the grandkids! I LOVE HAVING A POOL!

In July, the pool turned opaque green, due to neglect, while we took an eight day trip. I wondered how eight days could make THAT much difference. That serendipitous event was instrumental in finding TFP. At Pool School, I learned that I had been dumping excessive CyA into my precious 12,700 gallon baby and that I need a whole lot more than test strips to properly care for it. My lessons learned list is getting populated.

With TFTestkits TF-Pro in hand, I am currently in the middle of a SLAM, slowly but surely working my way to that crystal clear pool at the end, and having the very best resource for learning how to maintain it. The stories of TFP members and the advice of knowledgeable folks is very encouraging.

Did I mention? ---> I LOVE HAVING A POOL!!

Please seriously consider supporting TFP. We all need these good people to help us. TFP deserves our support.

Peace be with y'all,
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