How Close to the Walkout Basement?

Cramar, 1380Ken is the one asking industry standard questions.

Akira is one wanting help.

As for who to do the work, i would ask the local ABOVE ground pool store for a recommendation. If that is not possible, you can use landscapers or "tractorBob" from craigslist as long as they know how to do LEVEL with the lowest point. I think this is called a Cut. A Cut and Fill will sink.
cramar said:
You clearly think you know it all then, I'll refrain from helping you and leave you to your own knowledge.
In the future you may want to treat people trying to help you with a bit more respect.

Sorry, I didn't even think that I was being disrespectful to you. I am surprised at your reaction. I guess I need to be more careful in the future. I believe you that the industry standard is 1". I don't think that you made the standard or that it is somehow your standard.
When I comment on the standard I am not in any way commenting on you. I don't see any disrespect in my reply.
Okay, I finally got a quote on leveling the ground for this thing. The quotes are for a 17' square. The quotes are from a guy who does work on our yard regularly, so I know he'll do a good job.

For a simple cutting out the sod and leveling the ground: $200

For cutting out the sod, leveling the ground, edging with bricks (that we already have), and putting down 4-5 tons of sand over a layer of landscape plastic on the dirt: $420-$450 (depends on the cost of the sand)

It seems to me that the $200 option is a one season solution whereas the $420-$450 option is one that will last several years.

Those of you with experience, which would you recommend and why?
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