Hot Springs Freshwater Salt system chlorine production for PoolMath


Jul 6, 2023
Ames, IA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
Hi! We’re thinking of buying a Hot Springs with their “Freshwater Salt” system (maybe an Envoy, if it matters for this question). I’m trying to get a handle on caring for the spa and am tinkering around with PoolMath. I’m wondering whether I’m correctly interpreting their system’s chlorine generation capacity.

PM wants me to enter the 24 hour chlorine production of my SWG. According to page 12 of the SWG’s online manual, the system produces 17 grams of free available chlorine per day. 17 grams is 0.037 pounds. That is way, way lower than other saltwater systems listed in the app (which seem to be in the 1-2 pound per day range).

Am I interpreting the specs for that system correctly?
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Welcome to TFP.

Yes, you are interpreting the specs correctly.

You are comparing a spa SWG sized for hundreds of gallons against SWGs sized for pool with tens of thousands of gallons.

PoolMath is designed for pools and while it can be used for spas you have to be careful how you compare stuff.
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Keep in mind too that you are able to manually enter a number for your system. If you enter 0.037 into the 24 hour output field it should carry over into all the sections making it where you’re able to use that number.
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Oh, of course! It’s right in the name, it just didn’t occur to me.

That’s really helpful. Thanks!
It may not be exact but it will give you an idea of that production capable so you have a good starting point.
Keep in mind that spas have a much greater fc demand than pools due to the greatly increased bather load & the hot dark environment. It’s not as simple as just needing to replace 2-4ppm/day. It’s quite the roller coaster if the tub gets used.
2 people in a hot tub is akin to having a frat party in your pool. People soup! lol 😂
You want to ensure you maintain fc above minimum for your cya at all times in your spa lest nasties proliferate quickly 🤢.
FC/CYA Levels
This may mean supplementing with liquid chlorine depending upon the bather load & using the swcg mainly for standby chlorination & for “light loads”. Your frequent testing will be your guide.
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