High CYA, Low FC, New Pool Owner

Once you go past the 1:1 dilution, the error gets really big.

You need to really drain.

Probably the best way is to get a high rate sub pump from Home Depot. They rent them. Start draining the moment the sun is off the pool. Start filling immediately when you have drained 80+% of the water. As fast as you can. If sun starts to hit the plaster keep it wet.

This is a tough one.

Take care.
You can give it a try. The nice part about Arizona is we do not have alot of airborne organics. So you might be OK keeping your FC at 12-15 ppm. The issue is pH. Normally, the pH test is considered invalid with FC above 10 ppm. But, if you look at the pH comparator very quickly after adding the drops your pH reading should be OK. But do not get aggressive at adding muriatic acid.

Only use liquid chlorine from here on out. And don't miss a day adding LC if at all possible.

Good luck.
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