Hi from Central Florida

Thanks, Taz! The plaster is more than a year old. The previous owners built it and then put the house on the market less than a year later. Win-win for me. :-D
I had planned on going to BBB once we are there full time. I can use the Trichlor dispenser for periods where we'll be away or unable to keep up with daily bleach. I have my super duper TF-100 test kit but haven't cracked it open yet. There's no sense in driving myself nuts over numbers I can do nothing about for another week. I'm curious to see what the CYA level currently is given that the previous owner has done nothing but use tabs for a year or so. I can't wait to break out my chemistry kit. :p

My apologies for downplaying BBB in favor of tabs as it would seem my problems of late are a direct result of just that. I am as we speak in the process of converting away from that very thing.

On the other hand, as Taz mentioned, that "less harsh" feeling he spoke of I associate with over-softened water - salty and kinda slimey. But different strokes.........

Much wisdom here, soak it all in. Most of all enjoy!
Welcome to the forum, Cara. I spent many years in Gainesville, and hope to visit often after my oldest graduates from hs in a year. Unfortunately, admission is much more difficult than it used to be... so we'll see what happens. We'll be in Gainesville for a seminar in a couple of weeks - I simply love it there!

X2 on Taz's remarks regarding the salt water. "Slimy" is a pretty harsh way to describe it, but, as jdp39 stated, different strokes for different folks... Any properly balanced pool will feel good, the most noticeable difference to me is that a salt pool is easier on the eyes than regular pools... less harsh, but we've covered that descriptor already :-D Maybe you can find a friend or neighbor with a salt pool and try it out.

Good luck!