Help With Low Pressure

Jun 28, 2014
Southern California
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine

I have an Intex 15ft above ground pool and an Intex 12 inch sand filter. This specific filter and pool are new but I preciously had a similar setup. As such, I am very familiar with the equipment.

For some reason my filter will slow to almost no output pressure. A quick backwash and rinse will fix it but shouldn’t I get more than 1-2 days of use before a backwash is needed? Is the filter and pump bad maybe?

I am in Southern California.

You do not have a filter or pump issue, you simple have an algae bloom, even if you can't see it yet.. Algae can clog a filter in just few hours..

Is your pool green or cloudy.

We base all advice on accurate test data, so tell me what your levels for the following readings are...

Salt if a saltwater pool..


Jim R.
I failed to mention that I took the filter apart to check if I added to much sand. The sand in the filter looks good. The pressure also in the sand filter tank also stays very low even when I need to backwash. Sometimes it goes up a very small amount but still with the green range. Sometimes I have to backwash daily.

FC 5
CC 0
TC 5
pH 7.6
TA 120
CH 180
CYA 45

15ft above ground pool with 12 inch Intex sand Filter.

I can't say those are bad numbers, but we have yet to see a mechanical problem, with the pump or filter, that can cause the flow to decrease, and then be OK after a backwash, and then the flow decreases again within a day or so..

Is your water cloudy or green at this point??

Our normal advice to our members is to perform an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test or OCLT... This is how.. Overnight Chlorine Loss Test

I just now noticed that you have need a member since 2014??? Is that correct, or do we have an error on our end??


Jim R.
I did the overnight test and my FC held steady at 5PPM. If my sand level looks good and the pump/filter is only a few months old what else could it be? I don't think the filter is bad as it works great after a backwash. Sometimes it will last almost a week with good pressure and other times not even a full day. The pool is very clear and this is the same pump/pool model I had awhile back without any issues. Also, I would think a 12" would be more than enough for a 15' 4600 gallon pool. Any other thoughts on what I can do? Thanks again, this forum has been very helpful in keeping my pool up and running.
Sure, I am using the Taylor K2006 test kit, I have a Intex 2,100 GPH Sand Filter Pump, and a 15' AGP. The filter pressure is around 4-5PSI clean and goes up to just about 5PSI when the output drops to almost nothing.. A quick backwash solves the issue for about a day. The weird part is sometimes it will be fine for up to a week. I have had another pool with a similar pump/filter and didn't have any of these issues.
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Sure, I am using the Taylor K2006 test kit, I have a Intex 2,100 GPH Sand Filter Pump, and a 15' AGP. The filter pressure is around 4-5PSI clean and goes up to just about 5PSI when the output drops to almost nothing.. A quick backwash solves the issue for about a day. The weird part is sometimes it will be fine for up to a week. I have had another pool with a similar pump/filter and didn't have any of these issues.
It sounds like maybe the FC needs to be alittle higher in this pool?
Different bather load? More trees or other organics getting into it?
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