Help: Question about plumbing


Jul 17, 2016
Topeka, KS
I have 1.5" pipes joining into 2" pipes that go to the equipment. At the equipment I combine into 2.5" plumbing that runs through pump and then filter. Now out of the filter would it be possible to tee into two 2" pipes to utilize some 2" fixtures like an auto chlorinator and an anode rod and someday a salt chlorinator then bring the two pipes back together with another tee into a 2.5" line and then branch out into the returns? Or would this create problems? Picture a capital A but more U shaped on top with 2.5" going in the bottom and coming back out the bottom on the other side reducing to 2" through the A.


It might work ok for the anode and auto chlorinator but would likely not work for the SWG they require a minimum flow to operate and what you propose would likely drop the flow by up to 1/2 assuming the SWG were at one of the crossing parts and not the input or output. Even if it does work I don't suggest it, better to just make a bigger loop with no crossing in the middle for anything you want to add. For what it's worth you won't find a whole lot of love for auto chlorinators on this site because solid forms of chlorination such as pucks and shock don't just add chlorine and some of the other things they add like CYA or CH can lead to problems if the levels get too high. SWG is a great option.
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