Help please. It didnt look like this last time


Still have continued testing and keeping FC level at or above 20FC at all times.

We had some weather come in friday and pool got a little dirty. Since I havent put the solar cover on it yet this year and wanted to wait till done with SLAM. Cover was stored for the winter.

This morning we were heading out to 6 Flags for the day and the weather was supposed to be cloudy so I added what I thought would get me thru the day.

Now that we are back from the park. I have vaccumed brushed and backwashed.

I just did a 5ml test
FC 18
CC 0

So im gonna wait till its dark come get a sample and do a 10ml test.

Then Im gonna test again in the morning before sunrise.

Really hope to pass. That way I can let the FC drop get a PH reading. Then get a updated CYA reading so I can adjust accordingly.

Fingers and toes crossed

I leave you with a clean pool and high hopes

Never give up!

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