Help..Heater size?BTUs..Gas line size? Confused


Active member
Apr 20, 2017
My pool is an Aquasport 52 that is much BTU heater should I get? Decided on Natural gas....I have a 1/2 inch Natural Gas line already to my bbq..but one of the pool experts told me that I need to get 3/4 gas that true? Or are there any heaters that use 1/2 inch...thanks
Yes you will need at least a 3/4 line minimum depending on length of run and BTU of the heater. Heater size will depend on how quickly you want to heat up.

Do it right the first time and you will be trouble free.
You need to be talking to the gas plumber, not the pool installers. Gas line size is calculated using heater requirements, total distance of line and gas pressure coming out of the meter. You can't figure it with just one of those known. Having a new line run, which is likely, will cost somewhere between $1500 and $5000 depending on where you are. I had estimates in MD up to $4500 to run 70 feet of high pressure gas line.
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