Help from the Pro's - Early Pool Closure on the East Coast..!!

Jun 16, 2013
Bucks County PA
Hey Guy's...

I need a little help. I'm heading off to Portugal in two weeks for some R&R, thus I'll be closing my pool a little early this year. Given that is still warm out here during the day, however, it is getting somewhat cooler at night, I'm not sure where my levels need to be for an early closure of the pool on the east coast, or, if it matters at all. The neighbors leaves usually start to fall in the pool towards the end of the month, so I figure, let me just close the thing since I probably wont be going in it when I get back from my trip. Again, just want to get your thoughts.

Specs on the Situation:
- Early Closure, 3rd week in Aug
- I'm on the East Coast (PA)
- Pool: In-ground Vinyl Liner (34x18)
- Filtration System: DE/with Hayward pump
- Cover: Solid Top (not mesh), Color is Black if that matters

I use the TFP method, thus my level at the moment are Spot On.. :D

Thanks for any help you can provide... Rick BTW, I get very depressed when its time to close the Pool...:(
What is your water temp? We normally recommend not closing the pool until the water is below 60F. This is because algae is very slow growing at those temps.

Using a solid cover will help reduce daily FC losses, as well as minimize available sunlight for algae growth, but I would still check FC as autumn approaches. I recommend that you use a polyquat algaecide as well.

Be prepared to SLAM in the spring as I anticipate a green pool for you at opening.
Pool School - Closing an In Ground Pool

There is our closing link..................I want to stress to you that if your water is not below 60 when you close you may be asking for trouble (green algae) when you open in the Spring.

Is there ANY why you can close when you come back??


Grrrrr.... No, at the moment my pool temp is about 76 on the cool side and about 80 after a day of sun. One thing I forgot to mention.. the pool is in direct sunlight from 9 -4 ish.. Honestly, my family is going with me and the immediate neighbors are elderly and I really wouldn't trust them. So unless I pay a pool company to come out for 2 weeks, I think I'm stuck... PLUS, the neighbors leaves get all in the pool as soon as it gets even a little bit windy out. The funny thing is, I NEVER have an algae problem. Every time I open the pool its just as clear and clean as when I closed it.

- - - Updated - - -

What is your water temp? We normally recommend not closing the pool until the water is below 60F. This is because algae is very slow growing at those temps.

Using a solid cover will help reduce daily FC losses, as well as minimize available sunlight for algae growth, but I would still check FC as autumn approaches. I recommend that you use a polyquat algaecide as well.

Be prepared to SLAM in the spring as I anticipate a green pool for you at opening.

I may not have a choice ATM.. so given my position, what would you put the FC level at... and I'll pickup the polyquat as well...? Thanks for your help guys/gals..!!
Not trying to muddy the discussion but,
You are a TFPer, which by definition means you are cognizant of your FC/CYA ratio.
Pucks in a floater, for two weeks will keep your FC up add some CYA but since you can test and adjust for a slightly elevated CYA level no problem.
What is coming, fall draw down/CYA reduction, fall rains snows more draining, then winter CYA levels dropping a bit more.
The first thing I test in the spring is my CYA and FC levels, followed by additions to both.
Well... I think I may have figured out a resolution to my problem of closing the pool early before i go on vacation

My concern was the neighbors leaves blowing in the pool, the Polaris having an issue, etc.. plus the fact that, if I close it too early with the warmer weather still being around, the chance of algae. Soooo... here's what I did. I got the chemicals to where they need to be, I let the Polaris clean to the pool so its spotless and I simply removed the ladders, the robot and covered the pool. My intention is to let it run as it normally would until I get back from vacation... It just running without the robot in and it being covered. I can easily pull the cover back where the skimmer and returns are and I can still blowout the lines. by the time I come back the water temp should be below 60 and I can finish blowing out the lines, installing the plugs and antifreeze and I should be good to go.

Does anyone see an issue with that...? Maybe something that I'm not thinking about...? Thanks for your help... Rick

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