Help! Cloudy pool and sick of getting pool stored :)


New member
May 3, 2024
Blackstone, MA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hi everyone!

Hoping for some help getting our pool clear.

First some background: we have a 18x33 above ground pool - 4ft deep. This is our 3rd year with our pool… and every year we feel like it gets harder. Year 1 we were battling algae and an old filter, Year 2 we tried the Sustain system which worked until we had built up so much stabilizer we had to replace 40% of our water. We replaced our filter system- which helped some. This is Year 3.

Current issue: We started opening our pool last weekend. Added 3 containers of liquid shock (5 gallons) to a VERY green pool.

Our cover was damaged last year and we were unable to cover the pool over winter. We did get as many leaves as possible out through Nov as the pool stayed fairly clear late into the season.

After our initial shock, the pool turned milky blue and smelt like chlorine. Back to the pool store we went! They told us our chlorine had been ‘used’ up and to shock again… 2 more containers (5 gallons of liquid shock) aaaaaand nothing! Back to the pool store, and the reading was relatively the same. Recommended 3 more containers of shock + clarifier. Welp. Surprise surprise, after shocking again we still have a milky blue pool.

Here are our latest readings… IMG_7111.png

They recommended adding more clarifier and another 5 gallons of liquid chlorine… which brings us up to 45 gallons of liquid shock. We’ve NEVER used this much. It feels absurd to me!

I found your site, did some reading..zWe want to utilize the SLAM method, get AWAY from the pool store, and learn how to properly balance and maintain our pool so every year doesn’t feel so challenging.

I’ve ordered a test kit but that won’t be here until next week.

Now for my questions:
1. Is there anything we can do while we wait for our test kit to come in so we don’t lose momentum? Or is it better to wait and restart once that comes in?
2. Due to lack of cover… I have a feeling there are some left behind leaves at bottom driving the cloudiness. The pool store told us NOT to vacuum. After reading the resources here… I think we should. Does anyone have any strong opinions on that?
3. Do I add that 5 gallons of shock?!
4. Our CYA is very low. Is that something we should correct before starting the SLAM method or doing anything else?

Thank you SO much for any advice you can give. Hoping to learn a lot from you all.


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Welcome to the forum!
While you are waiting on your test kit, add 5 ppm FC worth of liquid chlorine / plain bleach to your pool each evening with the pump running. This will replenish the FC lost each day to the sun and also inhibit any algae in the water from growing further.
I suggest you read through Pool Care Basics - Trouble Free Pool and even look at a few of our videos TFP-TV - Trouble Free Pool
Some hope for you...Milky Blue is better than Soupy Green ;)

Chances are, you've killed off the ammonia (if there was some) and killed most of the obvious algae (which is why it's blue, and not green now). As Mknauss says, keep adding 5ppm worth of LC every day until your good test kit arrives, and then you can proceed with the SLAM process to eliminate any nasties that remain ;)

What "Shock" do you have - Calcium Hypochlorite is probably ok, but anything 'Dichloro' or 'Trichloro' or that contains copper you should avoid for now.

Vacuuming shouldn't cause you any issues - removing obvious contaminants can only help the situation ;)