Hello TFP users!


Gold Supporter
Jul 25, 2022
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I just joined the site today, but I've had a 13,500-gallon above ground pool since the 2018 pool season. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I decided to join this site after experiencing a killer algae bloom in my pool for the first time a couple weeks ago. Since the outset of the bloom I've learned more about overall pool chemistry via YT videos than I ever wanted to know! Even bought myself the Taylor K-2006C test kit to start doing a lot of the testing on my own, etc. However, my biggest reasons for joining this site is because 1) it comes highly recommended (kudos to all of you!) and 2) since my algae bloom started, I have no faith any longer in my local pool store. I'm starting to think they don't want me to clear-up my algae issues because it'll mean I don't leave having spent tons of money on more chemicals! UGH!
