Hello from Brunswick county NC

Thank you, just read ABCs and ordered T100 test kit. Curious why it's recommended best to use muriatic acid w my SWG? Yesterday the basic test kit that came w our pool (tests pH & CL only) indicated pH high, so ran out and got dry acid/pH reducer at local big box before reading TFP ABCs.
I added product while pump/SWG running, then just read in my SWG manual to NOT add any chemicals when SWG on. Am I already in the doghouse? I was successful lowering pH, which felt like a win.
The issue with dry acid, sodium bisulfate, is that it adds sulfates to your pool water. Sulfates will destroy metal (SWCG plates) and degrade concrete. So use muriatic acid.

Not a big deal to add chemicals when the SWCG is running (excluding salt) as long as you DO NOT add the chemicals via the skimmer, which you should NEVER do. Always add the chemicals at a low rate near a return with the pump running.
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