Hello everyone


Apr 28, 2024
San Antonio
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Howdy, we just bought a house in San Antonio with a pool and have no experience.

When we first moved in there was so much going on that I thought “I’ll worry about the pool later” so I didn’t even turn on the pump or test anything haha. Well obvs that was a mistake and you can tell how new at this I am. I started caring for it over the last month and have learned a lot mostly from YouTube.

To be honest my water is pretty clear now and my chems are somewhat stable. I still get some brown stains and I think I might have mild mustard algae but unsure since it otherwise looks great. I found this website a week ago and have been reading a lot. I ordered my test kit and bought my supplies as recommended and will try to SLAM this weekend. There’s a lot of good info here and I’m still trying to digest. I’m sure I’ll have questions but I’ll try to find the answer in the forums first.

Thanks everyone!