Hayward variable speed pump unexpected priming question


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Jun 11, 2023
Austin, TX
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hi folks. My Hayward SP3400VSP runs constantly on the following schedule programmed by previous owners:
  • 10:30P-9:30A: 1500 rpm (low flow overnight)
  • 9:30A-10:30P: 2900 rpm (normal flow for daytime)
This seems to work fine. Good circulation in the day, and enough flow overnight to keep the pump from losing its prime (my equipment is at higher elevation than the pool, so don't want to stop pump at night).

Now sometimes, like this morning, I'll go out early to add chemicals or do some brushing while the pump is still running on low flow, so I'll press the "Speed 2" button on my pump to get some better circulation during those tasks. On my pump, hitting "Speed 2" once runs the pump at 2400rpm for 30 minutes before returning to programmed schedule. This cycle runs as expected, and then returns to 1500rpm once done.

Now the issue is, I have noticed more than once that at the end of the 30 minute 'speed button' cycle, the pump (unexpectedly?) goes through another priming cycle (8 minutes at max speed) before returning to scheduled operation.


Why does it do this? Is this expected behavior? I don't see anything about this in the manual. It just mentions that additional speed button presses add more time, nothing about extra priming cycles. Is this an indication the pump thinks it has lost prime and therefore starts a new priming cycle on its own? (when this happens, it looks like there is still water in the pump pot, so I'm not sure it actually lost prime?) If "yes", why would happen specifically at the end of a "speed button" cycle, and not at other times during scheduled operation? This only seems to happen when I hit the speed button when coming out of low flow (1500rpm) to some higher speed, and then returning back to low flow.
Hi Pat, the only new information is that it seems to consistently re-prime every time I use the speed buttons (I initially thought it was inconsistent). Seems like the controller simply isn't smart enough to know it is already running (and already primed) when transitioning from a speed button cycle back to the pre-programmed 24/7 schedule. It's like it treats resuming the schedule the same as a cold start-up. It is an older pump so maybe this is just expected operation..

In any case, it has since become a moot point.

Since my last post my post, this pump has decided it is on its way out, making lots of loud noises (more than usual) suggesting it's about to die, so I'm having a new pump installed tomorrow with a mobile programming interface, so unlikely I'll face the same issues. I'll probably face different issues. :LOL:
When I still had a working Ecostar (SP3400) VSP pump, it would sometimes re-prime when the speeds changed. No explanation as to why, it just did it. I saw this mostly when manually changing speeds.

I think you could save a lot of electricity by modifying your RPMs and run times.
Try setting the schedules as follows:
Schedule 1 - 1015am to 1000am - 1200 or 1500 RPM (whatever minimum RPM provides adequate skimming)
Schedule 2 - 0930am to 1130am - 2400 to 2900 RPM (pick an RPM for better high speed skimming)
Schedule 3 - 0430pm to 0630pm - 2400 to 2900 RPM (pick an RPM for better high speed skimming)

Notice the overlap in schedule times. This should minimize re-priming.
Schedule 1 is the base speed. Higher speed schedules (2 & 3 in this case) will override Schedule 1.

I run at 1200 RPM for 20 hours per day (skimming and to run my SWG). The other 4 hours are split into two 2 hour segments at 2900 RPM to allow my IFCS to adequately clean the pool floor. With my electric rates, it costs me less than $20 per month to run the pump amd SWG. I like having some skimming and making a little chlorine (SWG) 24 hours per day.
What pump are you replacing your Ecostar with?
Don't forget to update your signature with this new info.
Thanks Gene. I like the idea of a couple of shorter higher RPM runs vs one long run like I have now. All I know right now is that I don't have great skimming action at 1500rpm overnight. But that's another post for another day, I'll optimize the schedule after I get my new equipment installed and become familiar with it. One thing at a time. :) I'm actually wondering if I might have better flow after replacing my existing DE filter with the large cartridge filter..

As for the replacement equipment, I'll spare you the details but my original plan has changed a few times because I received some defective parts (Pentair). I'm now going with a full Jandy setup installed by a local pro, I've spent too much time fussing with this myself and I just need it done and working and reliable so I can focus on other things.

The following equipment is scheduled to be installed tomorrow:
* Jandy VS Flopro 2.7HP
* Jandy CV460 cartridge filter
* Jandy mobile pump interface (believe it's the iQPUMP01)
* Polaris PB4-60 (straight swap for what I have now, but existing pump is old and leaking)
* Rebuild suction side plumbing (Jandy Never Lube valves + check valves, etc)

I realize Jandy doesn't sell direct to consumer (don't like that), and I'm probably paying a little more for it, but for now I'm happy with my local pro who stocks and services their equipment.

I'll update my signature after it all goes in...
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