Has anyone had a long experience with Betta 2?


May 10, 2022
Gonzales, Louisiana
I really want to purchase the Betta 2 skimmer, but an alarming number of Amazon reviews mention that they break within the first 1-4 months. A lot of people mention they are on their 2nd and 3rd machine, but they love it. $500 is a lot of money to spend on a great machine that breaks within a month. Has anyone had one for longer than a year without it breaking?
most of the complaints i have read about here seem to pertain to the original betta. i have had my betta 2 since june & its still motoring fine. i clean it up every so often as some debris can lodge in the propeller shafts. also as mentioned here , spray some wd 40 every now & then
I have also had mine since about June (dont remember exactly when I got it) and still going. The motors have gotten noisy and one of the green led has stopped working but otherwise still running. I bought the 3 year warranty so I dont really care if it fails.
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