Good Pool Vacuum (for fine debris/dirt) ??


LifeTime Supporter
Jun 27, 2012
Lafayette, Ca / USA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I've been relying on our filter system, a Polaris pool sweep, & basic brushing to eliminate dirt in the pool ... all in all that alone doesn't work perfectly. So finally got a Skimmer Basket Vacuum Plate to get a hand-held vacuum system. Going down to Lowes to pick up 50' of 1.5" hose. Now to buy an actual vacuum - the piece that I push around the floor of the pool ..

Do any of you have 1 that you would highly recommend that doesn't cost a fortune? I just want something I can push around & it picks up all the residual dirt that my normal pool sweep isn't picking up.

All vacuum heads are pretty much the same. For a fiberglass surface, you'll want one with nylon bristles. Some folks love the rectangle shape, some love the triangle shaped models. I haven't had much experience with different types but the key factor is likely durability. They'll all work the same, just a matter of which one will hold up longer.
Thank you for your opinion ... (the fiberglass surface on our pool is not totally "smooth" like the ones that are factory made & dropped in. Our's was a sprayed-on Fiberglass ... so has little divots and tiny spots that dirt can accumulate.) I'll look for the Nylon brush type.

PS - I've seen some with Wheels .. in my mind the wheels prevent the vacuum from getting actually ON the floor ... true?
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I have only had a pool for two seasons (above ground) We live around trees and lots of heavy weekend mowing all around the pool by our neighbors and myself. I am surprised at the suction of the Pool Blaster Max (see photo) Cleans great. I just attach it to a pole and one charge lasts long enough to clean the pool. 20141002_132713[1].jpg
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