Getting Salt Level up for first time with SWG


LifeTime Supporter
May 26, 2010
Central Connecticut
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-45
I will most likely have to add up to 20 bags of salt (40lbs salt/bag). I will do the tests and find the amount needed. My question is:

What is the best process/method for adding all of that salt before starting up the new SWG system. ? 1/2 in low end and mix around to disolve? How long to wait before adding more ? etc etc.

How did others do this when they first got their SWG?


TGIF :party:
I dump it in the deep end and brush to main drains. Don't put the whole amount in at once, 3/4 quarters would be good. Let it circulate for at least 24 hrs (or longer) and test to see how much more to add. I use bleach until the water is balanced and the salt is at the right level.
richmgreen said:
I will most likely have to add up to 20 bags of salt (40lbs salt/bag). I will do the tests and find the amount needed. My question is:

What is the best process/method for adding all of that salt before starting up the new SWG system. ? 1/2 in low end and mix around to disolve? How long to wait before adding more ? etc etc.

How did others do this when they first got their SWG?


TGIF :party:

I was not living in our present home when our pool was constructed so I cannot advise on start up. However I read your post and have to say this: do yourself a BIG favor & purchase this salt water test kit

It is extremely easy to add too much salt to the pool & the only way to lower the salt count is to take water out of the pool - this is very time consuming & expensive for those on a water bill. (We're on a well so we don't have a water bill...but on the flip side I wouldn't drink our well's and con's...).

No matter what the installer says, you cannot trust the PPM reading on the SWG. My SWG has been wrong countless times & I have had to drain the pool 3 times before I got smart & ordered a salt water test kit. :hammer:

The Aqua Chek strips also have not been reliable - in fact I called Aqua Chek with my concern & they said my batch was defective & sent me a new bottle of strips.

I can't overemphasize enough to order that kit I mentioned. In addition:
1) if you haven't already, read the SWG article in Pool School (& all of Pool School; take it in chunks though, it's kind of a lot of info)
2) you should not add salt while the SWG is in operation; turn the SWG off for 24 hrs after adding salt. This info is in Pool School but I also found it in the Aqua Rite user manual online.
3) as already mentioned by the other poster, you will tweak (add, test, add more, test again, etc). If you have not found the pool calculator, check it out - it's an awesome tool.
4) After you add salt, it takes 24-48 hours (in my experience) for the SWG to fully do whatever it does w/the salt & update the SWG display (ie to register an updated salt level ppm reading). So this will take time; be patient with it. It's better than adding too much salt.

Once it's up & running you will love it! Rock on.
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