Garden Hose Metal Filter?


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Hillsborough, NC
I was thumbing through a catalog and found this:

I have problems with metal in my well water. Assuming this works it would pay for itself in 2 seasons. I don't have the $$$ to install a whole-house filter. Has anyone used something like this? How effective is it? Can it be cleaned or can the filter be replaced? Would I still need the sequestrant?
Those filters can help, but they have some restrictions that are important to understand, which make them way less desirable than they may at first appear. The largest thing is that they are designed for fairly low flow rates. If you aren't in any hurry then fine, but if you are filling up the pool in the spring after winterizing they can take a number of days to raise the water level enough. Second, they remove some percentage of the iron present, never all of it. I don't know about that brand in particular, but similar products from other brands can remove perhaps 50% of the iron in the water, less if the iron level is really high to start.

The cartridges are disposable, once they have processed the specified number of gallons you throw them away and buy a whole new cartridge.

If you have iron in your well, they will lower the amount of iron that gets into the pool, and that will allow you to use a little less sequestrant. However it is quite uniquely they will remove enough that you could stop using sequestrant completely.
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