Frequency of adding bleach question


Aug 13, 2014
Mansfield, TX
Been on the TFP method for a couple months now and think I have it down pretty good except for a few minor things I'm having to adjust to. I've calculated I get 1 ppm of FC per 20 oz. of 8.25% bleach. Was using close to a gallon a day when I first started, but the pool was getting a lot of use (daily). Now that swim season is over, the sun is lower in the sky, and my FC doesn't get used up as quickly, I've found I only need 1/3 to 1/2 of what I was using.

So question is: Does it matter if I add, say, 40 oz. a day or if I add 120 oz. every three days? I would not let my FC get below 5-6 at any point regardless because my CYA is still in the 70-80 range.
The higher you take FC above your target level for your CYA the more it burns off due to sunlight. So you might use a bit more bleach by adding every few days. The important part is to not let your FC fall below minimum, which you understand.

Take care.
Great.....thanks for the tip. Not near as much sun now versus a month or two ago due to angle of the sun, where the trees are, etc. Definitely plays into why I'm not using as much TC. Just easier and more convenient to add every few days instead of remembering every day.
Replying to post on 05/17/2018
... my pool has been clear and clean with not a hint of algae. I'm not anal about it, but keep my numbers in range with ease with nothing but bleach and acid thus far. CYA is now 50-60 instead of WELL over 100 when the problems arose. Only downside is I have to use a good amount of acid now to keep my pH down whereas it used to be the other way around using the old method. Never used a drop in my first three years of pool ownership. Also I get some chalkiness or scaling on my tiles now that I didn't get before. Seems to be worse when my chlorine level is higher and not as bad during the off-season when I don't chlorinate as much. Tried various ways to remove it, but nothing works. But bottom line is this method is easier, cheaper and works better than what I was doing before using the various chemicals.
I'm a believer and have sold others as well who have experienced the same problems I did.

It could be due to evaporation and excess calcium in the water. I don't see a reference if your pool is plaster, fiberglass or vinyl-liner. If it's fiberglass or vinyl-liner, excess calcium can do that. Just an idea :)
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