First Time Shocking with Bleach

Day 2 Test #5


I added 100oz. of 6% Bleach after the last test. With that said, does that mean with CC's around 1 it will take approx. 50 oz. of 6% to raise FC 1ppm?

Day 3 Test 1 6:00 am

FC- 12
CC- 1

Failed OCLT. Should I shoot a little higher a target an 18 FC for shock level?

Day 3 Test 2

FC- 5.5

I guess there is still something in the pool eating up my FC.

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Jerry Lee said:
Last test for the night...

FC- 18.5
CC- .5

Hope the rain doesn't effect it.
Unfortunately rain can effect it....but I am pulling for you. Rain can bring in organics and, if there is alot, it can dilute your pool water. If the rain does effect you will want to do the OCLT again tomorrow night.
I'm following along this thread. This seems like a very long process. I have have some CC and am wondering if I should start out my FC target on level higher on the grid to stay ahead of the CC. So in this case would things of moved along much faster using 24 as a target rather than 20? And, checking hourly? Good luck getting your pool balanced, you are winning the battle now.

Passed my OCLT! Didn't rain as much as expected so I guess that was a big help.

FC- 17.5
CC-barely .5

Thanks again for everyone's help.... Now I'll just wait till FC falls to 10 and do a full test.
From this:
[attachment=1:2cm455pp]1st pool pic.jpg[/attachment:2cm455pp]
To this:
[attachment=0:2cm455pp]Final Pic.jpg[/attachment:2cm455pp]
In 4 days. And not one time being pool stored! I love DIY, it's so fulfilling!


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doublewide6 said:
This seems like a very long process.
I wouldn't say 4 days was a very long time.
I have have some CC and am wondering if I should start out my FC target on level higher on the grid to stay ahead of the CC. So in this case would things of moved along much faster using 24 as a target rather than 20? And, checking hourly? Good luck getting your pool balanced, you are winning the battle now.
The only advice I would have, only being a novice, is when beginning the shock process, as long as your filter is turning over properly, is to test maybe every half hour instead of hourly. Whatever was in my pool was turning the FC into CC almost immediately. If I would have added more bleach every half hour, I probably would have gotten to that target FC shock target much sooner.
By the way.....[attachment=0:quhj1siy]Final Clorox.jpg[/attachment:quhj1siy]
That's 7644 oz. of 6% bleach, 182 oz. each. $8.35 a case,3 bottles in a case, 14 cases. $116.90 total
After I return my 40lb. tub of 3" tablets for $63.00, I'll walk away with a huge smile on my face! :-D


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This thread is hilarious. I'm currently fighting a green swamp after draining half the water and think i've finally just turned the corner and got the FC to hold at shock level. The trick certainly seems to hit it VERY HARD and VERY QUICK.
danaz said:
This thread is hilarious.

You want to talk about hilarious, it seemed like the same guy was at the exit at Costco checking receipts every time I went to buy bleach. I tried to give a different excuse every time I went.....I was opening up a crime scene clean up company, that I was heavily invested in Clorox stock, someone told me bleach would properly chlorinate my pool, etc. BTW almost 3 weeks in to BBB and my pool still looks great.

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