First time owner in Florida


Gold Supporter
May 2, 2019
Orlando, Florida
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-15)
Hi everyone! Another new kid in town over here. I have a large salt water pool in Florida, and I’m worried about keeping up with algae this summer. The water is already 82 degrees. I’m not sure how warm pools typically get in Fl, but I’m worried that the heat coupled with frequent rain in the summer will make pool maintenance a challenge. Aside from algae, is there anything else I should be on the look out for in the coming weeks and months?

We have been pool owners for about 6 months. So far, the pool has been much easier to maintain than we thought it would be! Now that the water is getting warmer and the rainy season is approaching, should I consider adding an algaecide to the pool as preventative maintenance? Is there anything I should be doing to gear up for summer? Any resources or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Welcome to the forum!
If you follow the TFP recommended levels and use your own proper test kit to manage your pool water chemistry, you should never have algae. Many of us on this forum have never had algae in our pools since following TFPC.
I suggest you read ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry and consider reviewing the entire Pool School eBook.
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Like they said.....

#1. Get the test kit and learn how to use (it's pretty simple, really). I've got the Taylor 2006-c kit from Amazon.
#2. Add liquid chlorine, baking soda, Cyanuric acid, etc according to your test results.
#3. Brush the side walls and run the filter enough to keep the debris cleared out.

Rain doesn't really affect the pool at that much. It's clean water straight from the sky, right? As long as you don't start to have it overflow and you keep up with the chlorine, it's all good. I definitely agree with Marty though. Read through Pool School he linked to in comment #2 and you'll be well on your way.
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Thank you! I appreciate the feedback! I guess the pessimist in me assumed the pool would become more of a challenge to care for in the summer. I will definitely continue to review all of the resources on this site. There is a wealth of knowledge here!
Kylie I am going to share a set of links I put together for new pool owners. You might have seen some of it but want to make sure you get it all:
Print these out:
Pool School - Basic Pool Care Schedule

Pool School - Recommended Levels

Bookmark these:
Pool School - Recommended Pool Chemicals

Trouble Free Pool

Pool School - ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry

Now the schedule in the first link is just a suggestion. It is good to follow it closely AND keep good notes as you learn your pool. Each season will have different needs so your notes will help you know what to expect NEXT year. This year is your learning year. Once you have learned what your pool does say during a big rain then you will know what to expect when you get the next big rain. You will start to see patterns. Me? During the winter here in FL I know I only need to add 1/4 a 2.5 jug of chlorine every 3rd day. During the summer I need to add 1/3 of 2.5 jug of chlorine every day.

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