First Test Results - Now what?


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 16, 2014
East Northport, NY
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Autopilot Digital PPC4 (RC-52)
FC - 4 (I took all the Chlorine tabs out this AM and added 3 gallons of Bleach) I assume I should add more tomorrow?
CC - 1
TA - 140
PH - 7.2
CYA - 80
CH - 325

I am going to keep a log of these but would love guidance since I am still trying to figure out pool math. I am also purchasing the RC52 Auto Pilot tomorrow.

Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Amanda! What kind of test kit are you using for those results? We recommend a FAS-DPD test kit (like the TF-100 by TFTestKits or Taylor K-2006). They are much more reliable than test strips.

For the most part, your levels look good! However, with a CYA of 80, you want to keep your FC at a minimum of 6 (ideally 9). Here is the CYA-FC Chart:

How does the water look? Your CYA is a bit high (for a non-SWG) pool, but not crazy high like some people get with tabs.

If you have not already, I suggest you familiarize yourself with Pool School (especially the ABCs of Water Chemistry). :)
I should have mentioned I used the TF100 for the tests which I received today. So tomorrow, do I add another gallon of bleach? Pool has some green algae and is not crystal clear, I can see the drain but it isn't clear.
I should have mentioned I used the TF100 for the tests which I received today. So tomorrow, do I add another gallon of bleach? Pool has some green algae and is not crystal clear, I can see the drain but it isn't clear.
OK well that's great you have a TF-100! If you have algae, you are going to need to SLAM your pool.

Here is the link to article with instructions:

Here is a video explaining the process: (which I believe will be added to the forum soon)
EDIT - See below for video

Check those out and report back if you have any questions!
The following day test - overcast

FC - 1
CC - 1
TA - 170
PH - 7.2
CYA - 80
CH - 300

Backwashed after and scrubbed down the little bit of Algae I saw. I suppose the first thing I need to do is to add much more bleach since the level isn't rising as much as I would like. I know you can swim after 30 minutes but what about adding other chemicals? I will add bleach later tonight but then can I add baking soda to raise the PH after that, like an hour after? I really don't want to empty a portion of my pool yet, but will when I cover it in a few weeks.
Since you are dealing with Algae, I would not raise your pH. From what I understand, chlorine is more effective at a lower pH. Wait until after the SLAM to get your pH in line.

Also, don't forget to check behind your light for Algae. It likes to hide behind the light.
I wouldn't touch the pH yet since the advice is to SLAM.

That being said, your pH would tend to rise on its own with your TA level.
In any case, the recommendation is to raise pH with washing soda (soda ash/sodium carbonate) rather than baking soda (sodium bicarbonate/sodium hydrogen carbonate).

I would recommend you read ABCs of pool water chemistry and recommended pool chemicals if you haven't already done so.

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Since you are dealing with Algae, I would not raise your pH. From what I understand, chlorine is more effective at a lower pH.

This is a 1/2 true statement. FC is more effective at low pH levels when CYA is not present. Once you add stabilizer to the water, then the chlorine all works the same. :D The reason we suggest lowering your pH level to 7.2 before a SLAM is due to the testing of pH. Any FC level of 10 will result in a false pH. By lowering your pH level to 7.2 you will give it some wiggle room to increase before running into any major problems.

While SLAMMING with a CYA level of 80 can be done, I would REALLY suggest once again look into lowering the level. Even draining some to lower the level down to 60ppm will help you out in the long run. By lowering the CYA from 80 to 60 your FC level for your SLAM goes from 31 down to 24. Much easier to maintain in the long run.
Glad you got your test kit! You have your full numbers, so you can stop running the full battery of tests daily (you'll burn through your kit!). You're going to SLAM so Ph will not be reliable with FC over 10. For now just worry about the chlorine level using your drop test with the powder, not the yellow scale. You're going to need a LOT of bleach. Get a couple of cases. For CYA of 80, your SLAM level is 31 minimum, it can't go below that until you're done. Re-read how to do the SLAM in pool school. You need to raise FC to over 31, run pump 24/7, and brush the pool a lot. You need to maintain the FC over 31, which is going to drop every few hours at first. Every minute below 31, algae will start to will the battle and increase the time of your SLAM process. I would not have anyone swim in until SLAM is over. SLAM isn't over until you have crystal clear water, CC is below .5, and you pass the OCLT. All three.

After your pool is fixed, I typically ran a full test every week and checedk ph/FC daily. After the SWG is in, you can even stretch how often you do the FC check once you get it dialed in.
Really helpful thanks. I am going to walmart after work and going to buy 4/5 cases of bleach and some borax to have on hand for ph when required. I am buying the autopilot tonight but regardless of that I am going to start the slam but before I do, I am going to take out some water per the advice above which I get and understand. Every little bit I take out will help. Funny you mention about the kit- I was thinking the same thing about running through it.
Also, this may sound ridiculous but I am going to ask- if I remove water via waste and refill with a hose is there a certain amount of time I should wait to check cya? Because for now all I am going to check is cya to see what I have on my hands for slam.
No waiting required. You only need to wait on CYA after you add some, it can take a week to register the whole amount.

Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about dumping water right now. You're going to go to salt, so 80 will fine for that. And it will slowly drop as it rains and you backwash, etc. I would concentrate on the slam and it's going to need a lot of bleach. Take lots of pics, we love seeing pools go from green to cloudy to crystal clear!

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I am doing quick replies from my phone while at work and I don't see te ability to check a box about my signature - sorry about that! One thing I should mention - my pool isn't cloudy or green, I can see the drain and I have some green spots that I have been brushing. This isn't a swamp scenario. I still intend to slam but just wanted to point out my scenario. I have one other question - I have a solar blanket actually I am throwing one out and buying a new one (I typically get them from in the swim and I go for the 16 mil version) so any concerns as it relates to chemicals with swg or without when using a blanket? I would probably use it next summer not this one since I am fighting this other chemical battle.

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