First pool math app casualty?


Well-known member
May 17, 2014
Benton, KY
Now you guys have gone and done it! You should be ashamed for making me want to test all my levels just so I can put numbers in a cool new app. I finally did my first full battery of tests for the season yesterday. When I went to do the CH test, which I hadn't done since early last year, the little blue bottle was stopped up. I squeezed the bottle and the dropper part blew off! I lost most of the liquid in there, but I still have enough to make it through the season since I don't test it that often. I am curious about something though. My CH came back at a whopping 75. Does a seriously negative csi number really not matter in a vinyl pool? I'm at -1.43.

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CSI is an over used calculation for TFP members and is an indicator for the formation of calcium scale.....nothing more.

Vinyl pools are VERY hard to form scale anyway so, unless the CH is wildly excessive, it is not an issue.
OK. I knew that, I just need to hear it again every so often I guess. I see the -.6 to .6 recommendation and freak out when it gets that far negative. My CH was about 125 last year. As I have to refill this summer it will come back up some.
Go on into your settings and turn off CSI for a vinyl pool. No need to worry about it so ya may as well hide it! One less stress. :) Our CH runs far lower at around 50 and have never had any issue. It's only when a users CH level gets sky high that scaling becomes an issue. Too low damage to plaster becomes an issue however that's not a worry in your pool.
Go on into your settings and turn off CSI for a vinyl pool. No need to worry about it so ya may as well hide it! One less stress. :) Our CH runs far lower at around 50 and have never had any issue. It's only when a users CH level gets sky high that scaling becomes an issue. Too low damage to plaster becomes an issue however that's not a worry in your pool.

[emoji1360] Good idea

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