Finishing first SLAM, new at this, need some advice.

Jun 6, 2017
Ladson, SC
So, after a full month of pool store helping me keep my pool green I decided to take matters into my own hands. I got on youtube and found my way here! Anyway, I realized I had mustard algae after thinking I had conquered my problem with the green to blue product from Walmart. I had vacuumed the entire pool, even the walls, and the next afternoon the bottom was covered with a brownish debris that when disturbed appeared yellowish. Pool walls were actually yellow in several areas hence the wall vacuuming. I had already ordered my test kit and was waiting for it to get here. I got it Tuesday 6/13/17.
These were my numbers:
FC 0.8
PH 7.6
TA 130
CA 190
CYA 35
CC 0.6
Just passed first overnight FC! Numbers are
FC 22
CC 0.5
Now I need to know when to address the TA level. I had seen something somewhere in all my searching that you can't add muratic acid if you have algae. I decided to just SLAM it and get rid of it. Hoping I made the right choice.
Great full for any and all advice!
Hello and welcome to TFP! :wave: Before you address the TA, let's make sure you definitely passed the SLAM criteria (link below). You passed all 3 criteria correct? If so, then adjusting the TA is fine if you feel that the pH is climbing quicker than normal. That's really the key. We don't recommended moving the TA just to move it. If the pH is rising fast every couple days, then yes, you could try lowering the TA by following the TFP Pool School - Lower Total Alkalinity page. Not sure about the comment you heard for acid and algae, that doesn't make sense. :confused: But it's good to get rid of that algae once and for all. It's swim season! :swim:
Hoping the algae is seriously dead at this point. Water is clear as well. To what level does the FC need to drop for me to test the PH and TA again? Or do I make the adjustment from the test results that I have prior to the slam. Was thinking the TA should be brought down to 100 or so. It has rained a couple of times since I started so I figured it has changed some. Is it safe to swim in at these levels? Thanks!
Yes, please refer to the Chlorine/CYA Chart (link below). As long as your FC has not exceeded the SLAM/Shock level for your current CYA, you can be in the water. As for testing the pH, wait until the FC drops below 10 then you should be fine.
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