Finally under construction in Midlothian, TX

Love it, love it.. Our house and choices in the pool are scary similar. Our posts in the front porch are the same style and color and our brick on the house is very close! I took another look at your tile, same family. It's too funny! I hope my pool turns out as amazing as yours!!
imrodee said:
VERY nice Karmann!!! Now THAT is a heater!!! So is it electric? I am still waiting on the gas installer to show up. He has to run a line from the meter to the heater.
We got our Polaris going too - it picks up everything, like you said. It's pretty amazing.

What does your bulldog think of the pool? Our dogs do not like it at all. "Harley" acts like he is going to the gas chamber. "Tucker" is not much better.

It's electric in a sense that no propane is used to heat the water, but there isn't an electric heating element like you would see with a true electric heater. It's more efficient at maintaining water temp than it is heating it so a hot spa takes a little planning ahead.

Right now with 87 degree water it will raise it to 104 in about 80min compared to a propane setup that will heat the water in 20min so I've heard. We went with this setup because i really liked the pool chiller option and really didn't want to deal with filling a propane tank and messing with gas lines. If we don't like it after a few seasons I will consider adding a propane setup in addition to the heat pump but right now we really enjoy this.

Our Bulldog hasn't taken a liking to the pool much at all. She was been on the tanning ledge a few times but only because we put her there otherwise she prefers to stay dry at all times.

At least we don't have to worry about drying her off because she goes for a splash when she does her business throughout the day. She steers very clear from the pool most of the time like it's in her way taking up her grass. My brothers dog loves the water and it drives him crazy always needing to dry his indoor pooch all the time because if there is access to the pool that dog is swimming and playing.
Well, that's awesome. Actually, electric is fine too. Normally you will know when you are going to get in so you can fire it up. Mine is heating right now. You just have to plan for that, same as us. Last night was our first time in the spa. The jets weren't working properly.. Today the PB came out and is replacing the silencer tomorrow. We'll see how that works. The black "silencer" is getting replaced tomorrow.

Our dogs are not crazy about the water either.. Tucker is better than Harley... Hopefully we'll be able to at least help them learn how to swim!! Yeah, I wondered about having a dog that loves water.... And jumps on the couch... And the bed... Well... Not fun.
That is some beautiful pool. I have been lurking around here learning a bit. Martin and I have bought a house with a pool in Woodlands, Texas. We are such dummies, we don't even know what kind of pool, size, equiptment etc. Don't laugh! We are going to learn from this amazing web site and all of the kind posters. Sorry to go off topic, the pool ROCKS!
Hows the Salt system? Can you tell a big difference in the water? I can hardly wait... I emailed our PB to see when he's going to be hooking us up. We are SOOOOOO loving our pool.

I've had a few issues, but am working thru them. I'm not real sure about the computer setup... The book says to do this, you do that....... not happening. There IS a manual workaround, but that's not right.

The Greenery is having a HUGE sale in October, so I'll be doing my landscaping then. I can't wait for that!
all is wonderful, i love the salt setup and the water feels GREAT.

when we switched to salt the PB didn't tell me i needed to drop my TA from ~120 to the suggested 60~90 when using a swcg but I figured that out with the help of this fourm and other online reading.

It's nice not having to worry about adding chlorine but i still check my pool water almost every day. I struggle to keep my PH down from 7.8 so i add about 1 gallon MA maybe a little more over the period of a week and that seems to be the sweet spot to keep my ph ~7.5

I'm probably adding about a half gallon of acid every 2~3 days and my pool is happy and crystal clear. So far I have only added 2lbs of shock the pool once when my FC dropped to 2 from the normal 4.5~6 but that was a heavy party weekend so it was expected. The next day my FC was 8 and slowly settled back down to 4~5 like normal.

The CCs for my pool according to the TF-100 kit have always been zero but i still check them about once a week.

I have a hard time keeping my TA below 90, it seems to settle there after a few days when I add acid but my pool water looks AWESOME. My PB said my results so far are to be expected since my fill water TA is about 420 and the PH is very high 8.2+, but i just keep an eye on it and everything is easy breezy :)

i prob don't need to do this everyday but I add fill water for about 15~20 min everyday to cover evaporation and splash out from the kids swimming so that's probably why my TA and PH are always creeping up so quick.
Karmann said:
all is wonderful, i love the salt setup and the water feels GREAT.

when we switched to salt the PB didn't tell me i needed to drop my TA from ~120 to the suggested 60~90 when using a swcg but I figured that out with the help of this fourm and other online reading.

It's nice not having to worry about adding chlorine but i still check my pool water almost every day. I struggle to keep my PH down from 7.8 so i add about 1 gallon MA maybe a little more over the period of a week and that seems to be the sweet spot to keep my ph ~7.5

I'm probably adding about a half gallon of acid every 2~3 days and my pool is happy and crystal clear. So far I have only added 2lbs of shock the pool once when my FC dropped to 2 from the normal 4.5~6 but that was a heavy party weekend so it was expected. The next day my FC was 8 and slowly settled back down to 4~5 like normal.

The CCs for my pool according to the TF-100 kit have always been zero but i still check them about once a week.

I have a hard time keeping my TA below 90, it seems to settle there after a few days when I add acid but my pool water looks AWESOME. My PB said my results so far are to be expected since my fill water TA is about 420 and the PH is very high 8.2+, but i just keep an eye on it and everything is easy breezy :)

i prob don't need to do this everyday but I add fill water for about 15~20 min everyday to cover evaporation and splash out from the kids swimming so that's probably why my TA and PH are always creeping up so quick.

So glad to hear everything is going well!!

Let me see if I can help a little bit with what I have learned. I'm sure the experts here will chime in, as every pool is a little different. They have WAYYYYYY more experience than I do.

Regarding your PH... look at your MA bottle. If it says SAFETY MA, it is NOT full strength, and it won't budge your PH hardly at all. I bought mine from Walmart, and didn't realize the difference until yesterday. I bought some "good stuff" from a pool store. I had been adding MA for weeks, with hardly any change in the PH. Now I know why, it takes nearly twice as much of the SAFETY MA. My PH dropped like a rock yesterday after adding the "non-safety" MA. It is the first time I saw a dramatic change in the color. It's also the first time the whiff nearly knocked me off my feet. When I poured it in the pool, I could "see" it swirling in the pool water. I knew THIS MA was way different than the last 3 bottles I had been using. That's what made me check into it, and sure enough there was an old thread on that subject.

MA will also lower your TA.

When you "shock," are you using bleach, or trichlor/ dichlor bags from the store? I have been told :hammer: that the bags of "shock" add other ingredients that skew my CYA and effect my CSI.

My CH seems to run high too.. maybe because of the new plaster (between 350 - 425) Today it is 375. I was concerned about that because of the Diamond Brite Plaster. The darker colors seems to have a higher discoloration rate, so I've read.

The other thing I did was turn off the Rainbow Puckalator. (The thing that holds pucks.) It was making my CYA climb up. It took a week or so, but it has now settled down and is stable. I guess that is for when you are gone for a few days and can't check your pool, you can turn it on.

I don't know if there is an right way or a wrong way to manage a pool.... but I do know my water is sparkling clean! Thanks to all the help on this forum!

The other night I was adding bleach to the pool and Mike said "Hold on, I'll go get my whites, and a bottle of Tide." My brain went into a frenzy :shock: thinking what that would do to my "numbers." LOL!

Buy one of those little nets from Walmart, the net they sell for goldfish. It fits nicely into the skimmer, and you can scoop out the bugs that hide under the flapper. It also will catch those wasps that come in for a landing while you are in the pool.

I'm sure someone here will jump in and help you with your chemicals... I'm just sharing my limited experience. Good luck!!! :snorkle:
yea, I'm using the hard stuff hahaha no safety acid here. And the 1st few times i poured it in i made the mistake of catching a small wiff of the stuff too, i hear most people do, it's not fun.

my PH responds to the acid fine, but after a few days I'm needing more to being it down from 7.8+.

I did have to add CH increaser, after switching to salt my CH was 200 and that's considered borderline low according to PebbleTec website that says it should be 200~400.

I wanted to give it a week to see how my salt water was responding and my CH dropped to 180 ppm. I ordered increaser online but went to Lows and got 4lbs of the increaser to bring it back up to 200 until my online order comes in.

The shock i used was just the trichlor bags from home depot. I didn't add it to actually "shock" my pool but simply boost my CL from the low reading i had after my party. After a few days everything was great and my FC settled back to 5~6 like normal. I wasn't worried about the extra stuff in it because my CYA is on the low side 60 ppm already and i don't plan on adding shock every week unless i see my FC drop below 3 again.

Water still looks awesome and I'm having a blast with this measuring the water stuff. Not sure what my wife is going to do when I go to china for a week at the end of the month. I'll have to train her or leave her instructions of some kind to keep everything somewhat in check until i get back.
Seems like you're on top of everything! Your wife will do fine I'm sure. She can always jump online here, or call someone. I doubt if anything would happen in a week. :mrgreen: Maybe just have her keep the FC up. That's all I would have Mike do I guess. He has no interest in pool maintenance, but would help if I were out of town. One thing I've learned here is everything is fixable... so have no worries!

China? How fun!

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No, I had to have EVERYTHING pounded into my head. :hammer: Seems I don't follow directions that well. :oops:
Thank God for the good folks on TFP!
hahaha, i'm an engineer so with my background i tend to follow written instructions a little to close :)

In college i was also a play “scientist” at Abbott Laboratories running tons clinical chemistry control studies using reagents for an R&D group building a new Blood Analyzer, that was a ton of fun and I learned bunch of cool stuff I’ll never use again.

I can't stress enough that the info and the help from folks on TFP helped me tremendously, i can't even believe I considered paying for pool service to help guide me until i got the hang of things. To top it off once i took over my water chemistry i found out the start up guys that supported me for a month at fill-up never even checked the CH of my water grrrrrrrr :evil: . I had to add 16lbs of CH increaser to bring me up to 300ppm from 180ppm.
I'm glad you caught the CH thing! jeeeeeeez! I know, this pool chemistry is so easy - especially with all the patient people on this forum!

Now, if I ever find a mysterious blood trail, I'll know who to call on! LOL!
Wow Abbott Labs, that's not a company that usually comes up in conversation. I remember them from back in the college days. I may also be an Engineer, but I feel you and imrodee out pace me in this stuff, easily! Such great people on this site I swear :)
don't sweat it arvven, after about a week or two of testing daily it will come easy as pie.

For me the hardest part was keeping logs of my pool so that i could see behavior trends once switching to salt.

I created this spreadsheet below to help me track my pool maintenance. I try and test almost daily but sometimes I use a test strip and eyeball the colors but i don't record that data in my log. If something looks out of wack I take out the TF100 kit and investigate hahaha.


  • pool data.JPG
    pool data.JPG
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Hey Karman! I was just wondering if you have been using your spa much in this cold weather.. We haven't been in ours in a long time. If you have, how long does it take to get it heated up.. say from 40 degrees to 95 or so?

Can't wait for the winter to be over...!

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