Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear water


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
Hi all. I have an Intex 16x48 ultra frame with the filter that came with it. I noticed that it doesn't seem to be spitting out or sucking in water like it used to. I think the problem may be with the lower valve/tube that sucks the water in to the filter, as it doesn't seem to be sucking in that strong from the filter basket, and if I kneel down outside the pool, I can hear the water going through that tube, I don't want to say its gurgling but that's the only way I can think of to describe it. you can tell by just looking at the skimmer basket its not sucking in water like it used to, which i'm sure is affecting how well water is shooting out the other connector. I tried changing the filter and it's still doing it, making sure there was no air in the filter canister.

Any tips on what else I can try? maybe there's an air leak in one of those gray plastic nuts you screw on, or those aren't tight enough? I tried to make sure they were tight, one I got a little tighter but the other one feels like it jumps a thread when you tighten it past a certain point and you have to retighten it a bit (if that makes sense)
Re: Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear wate

It sounds like you have a suction side leak. Is there air coming out or you return and how is the flow rate?

That connector you talked about could be the problem. Any joints or the corrugated tubing on the suction side (water coming from pool to filter) might have developed a leak.
Re: Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear wate

I checked for leaks and everything appeared to be dry where the plastic nuts are, and on the side of the pool where the valve hangs off. All I had was some vasoline, so I put that on the grooves of both plastic nuts because I thought if there was an air leak it would either start bubbling or maybe temporarily stop it, but I didn't see anything. just kinda sounds like an incomplete stream of water flowing through the tube, like I can hear it going through there in spurts or something.
Water is coming out the output side, I can feel it when I put my hand in the pool over the blower part, but it doesn't seem as strong as it used to.
Re: Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear wate

Suction side leaks won't have water on the outside, instead they will draw water in when the pump is on and may seal themselves when the pump is off so there is no leaking out. I would check/replace your corrugated pipe, they are notorious for leaking.

Putting a water saturated towel over different joints and parts of the piping may show a decrease in air (or increase in flow at return) to help find the leak. Some people have use shaving cream too.
Re: Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear wate

Is it best to order those through intex directly, or is there somewhere else online that I can order them from? I can't imagine the pipe being too expensive so I'm game for just trying to replace it.

I never thought of shaving cream, that would probably be easier to tell if/where the leak is.
Re: Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear wate

Is yours the type with hose clamps or the type with big gray nuts? If clamps, then many hardware stores and or home centers have something similar. If it is the gray nuts, then that is an online order I think, and I would consider just switching to the hose clamp type (most intexs with the gray nut type have an adapter that can be used to convert to the clamp types).
Re: Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear wate

The big gray plastic nuts. They seem pretty cheaply made, like the one I tried to tighten more and it then untightened, so now I can only turn and tighten to a point before it gets loose again (if that makes sense).
So to convert to the sturdier hose clamp type, is that a kit or something I'd have to buy?
Re: Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear wate

Did you have these adapters:
Re: Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear wate

I'll have to look to see if I have those laying around, I can't remember off the top of my head. Is that the converter part I'd need? hopefully that gray plastic nut is sturdier than the ones that are in use now

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Re: Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear wate

Before spending too much money, you might want to swap the return and supply pipes and see if it gets better, or if you start to see leaking on the pipe you switched from the suction to the return side.
Re: Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear wate

No one has asked yet: What shape are your gaskets and o-rings in?

You mentioned using vasoline on the fittings. That will destroy the synthetic rubber these are made of.

If your gasket is the ribbed ring, you can replace it from the plumbing section at your local hardware store, with a rubber washer size 2-3/8 x 1-1/2 x 1/8. these are a slight bit oversize, but can be used. The o-rings are fairly common at the auto parts store, take one with you to match up.

Plumber's lube (silicon based) is made for this type of application, also available at your local hardware store.
Re: Filter not taking in water like it should, can hear wate

those all looked ok to me. I only put vasoline on the hard plastic around the plastic nuts (on the outside of the setup) to see if it would give me a hint as to where air might be leaking out.
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