Does anyone have experience with ethanol-based antifreeze? I have been using propylene glycol-based in the past and have had some issues with high chlorine demand on startup.
I don’t mean ethylene glycol based antifreeze, I’m talking about ethanol (ethyl alcohol) based antifreeze. Some are advertised as being for pool use and I was wondering if anyone had experience with them.
You can use either one. I suspect that the chlorine demand will be about the same either way. If you blow out the lines correctly, you can use much less antifreeze.
How much antifreeze are you adding?
I would recommend the propylene glycol based antifreeze.
I usually stick a shop vac in the lines near the filter and open the plugs in the pool just a little to let water into the lines. I can suck out most of the anti-freeze that way.
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