Dolphin E10 for an Intex soft sided pool?

Aug 14, 2017
Vancouver, BC
My pool is surrounded by trees and I'm tired of manual pool cleaning. The idea of a robot sounds appealing but I know little about them.

Would something like the Dolphin E10 work for my Intex pool? Seems many units say they aren't for soft sided AG pools (not sure why not?) but the Dolphin E10 says it's for all types of AG pools. Anyway if not, why not? Are there better alternatives?

I know Intex sells their pump driven auto cleaner but my pump is too small. I could get a larger pump but for the cost and hassle I'd prefer a separate electric robot anyway (unless there's a reason why I shouldn't).

I honestly have no experience with automatic cleaners in Intex pools, but I'm not sure it would work. What I imagine would happen is without a solid support to the wall, it's going to hit the side of the pool, try to climb the wall, and just keep pushing against the wall because it can't go vertical. They need to be able to climb the wall to run properly for the most part.

I think you'd be better off with a Pool Rover style cleaner, but in my experience they don't last anywhere near as long as a Dolphin. The benefit though is they are typically cheap enough you can buy 2 for the price of one Dolphin.
I might not be understanding you...but the Intex walls are quite solid. I wouldn't think they'd deflect at all.

The YouTube videos are strange. Sometimes the e10 hits the wall and simply backs up. Other times it gets stuck and keeps pushing. Still other times it climbs the wall (even though it's not supposed to be a wall climber). What causes it to do one or the other?

The Pool Rover JR is $410 vs $599 in Canada. For the price difference I was leaning to the dolphin as being more reliable and less hassle to use.
Idk about the Dolphin ($500?? if I looked up the right thing) but I can tell you from experience that the Intex cleaner ($69) paired with the Intex Sand Filter ($150ish) was the best money I spent with our 26' x 52" Intex and we kept that setup when we upgraded to a 28' x 52" resin frame above ground after a rip in the seam of our Intex last year. It does a fantastic job, our pool stays crystal clear all season. Best money we've spent.
E10 owner here, they are not designed to climb walls.

They approach the wall then when they go FULL vertical to attempt a climb, it will back down and
go the other way.

They do climb very steep angles however as in my hopper style in ground vinyl pool.

I don't see why it could not be used, but I would consult with Maytronics for a definitive answer.

The consensus in real world use is the pool rover type bots just don't do as good a job as Maytronics Dolphin cleaners.

Here is my review:
Dolphin E10 Review
Thanks. My pool has 90 degree walls. I don't expect it to climb them. But it sounds like it needs to go vertical before turning around. So one area of concern is the transition from floor to wall which has about a 3 inch radius on my Intex pool. That might be too abrupt for it to get vertical, I'm not sure what would be typical for "normal" AG vinyl pools.

I emailed Maytronics a week ago, no answer. I'll try again at some point.

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