Doheny Dolphin life span


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2014
Palm Desert, CA
I have a Doheny Dolphin that is at least five years old and I bought it refurbished. It has always worked well but now it doesn't seem to be getting the pool as clean as usual. It is still getting the large debris and most of the silt but not all of the silt/sediment. We are using the folded corrugated looking filters for fine sediment. Could it be that it is coming to the end of it's life cycle (not sure how long they last)? The "flaps" on the bottom of the robot are mostly worn away (see photo), would it help to get those replaced and is it something I can do myself? The rollers and impeller appear to be fine. Thank you.


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You can replace those rubber flaps. It’s a simple fix and they cost like $20 for a set.

Will it help … probably not that much.

Don’t spend a lot of money on it, your cleaner is definitely in its waning years. I bet it won’t last another season. They only last 3-5 years and you bought that one as refurb. You basically won the lottery on robot life for that one.

Start saving your money and looking for deals … the entry-level Dolphins similar to what you have are running around $1000 these days.
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