do we drain after plaster?


Aug 29, 2023
We replastered our pool last summer We were going to close it but decided to replaster. We are now opening the pool should we drain the entire pool ? The pool company (not the ones that did the replaster) said to just do a regular opening? I am just worried about safety - I don't want the family swimming in plaster dust
No, just open the pool.

Any plaster dust will have settled to the pool surfaces while closed.

Brush the pool aggressively and run your pump 24/7 for a few days for your filter to capture any plaster dust.
Thank you so much - so they should brush the pool more and vacuum more than usual and check filter?

Brush regularly.

Do you have a pool cleaner?

What type of filter do you have?

Watch the filter PSI and clean the filter when pressure increases by 25% from clean pressure.

any different chemicals?


Pool company that did the replaster said pool was damaged due to chemicals?
