Do I need to Cover Intex Sand filter Pool Pump in the Rain/If Yes need ideas help!


Jul 6, 2017
Hi Guys-

Just purchased a Summer Waves Elite Pool and in the process of replacing the crappy filter/pump that it comes with with an intex (28651EG) (3000GPH sand filter)

I am reading the manufacturers guide and it say Not to leave the pump out in the rain. Well darn it all, i am trying to make this pool a permant year around type of deal. What exactly does everyone here do about this that have intex pool pumps. Is there a good way to cover it up permanently that will also give it enough room to not overheat, and will be easy access to the pump? I am looking for ideas, and or a way to cover it where i could be a type of cover that is already built or manufactured.

I would love any ideas suggestions, pictures. Spam me with your setups for this.

BTW a ton of great information on this site, glad that i found it!

That's a load of baloney. Intex manuals must be written entirely by lawyers. They don't want you running the pump while swimming either. The first thing I do when I get in is turn the pump on.

The only time I ever protected my Intex pump from the weather was when I stored it over the winter. Make sure the electrical plug isn't laying where pooling rainwater could short it out and it's fine to leave exposed to the weather.
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