diving board - fibreglass cracked

Aug 1, 2012
[attachment=0:32n0u8zl]diving board closeup.jpg[/attachment:32n0u8zl][attachment=1:32n0u8zl]diving board.jpg[/attachment:32n0u8zl]

noticed recently that the underside of the diving board has cracks in the fibreglass

local store says not to use as "butcher block" wood will break - the grain in the wood looks like two long boards to me, however

local store wants close to $800 for cheap new board (10')

my kids say the cracks have been there for years

should this be replaced?

should I simply limit use to small kids? (had some adults use it this past weekend, though)

is there any type of fibreglass repair I can make?

any thoughts out there would be appreciated


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You can repair fiberglass fairly easily -but since I don't have it in front of me, not sure if those are structural or not. The repair may or may not hold up.

However, if your kids said they were there forever, I would try fixing...much cheaper than $800. You can google fiberglass repair, but basically you "roll" on the resin then layer glass, resin, glass, etc.

Most marine stores or even auto body stores will have all the stuff you need.
Personally I would not chance it and would replace or remove the diving board, the original diving board on my pool snapped in half when it was about 8-10 years old while a 270 pound man was jumping on it, since then when cracks appear I have decided to play it safe and replace the board.

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