decking border question


Silver Supporter
Aug 28, 2012
Houston, TX
Hello to all,

We are having 1.25" thick travertine pavers installed [Versaille pattern] as our decking around the pool, spa, back porch, walkways and summer kitchen area. Total sq ft is approx 1500.

Approx 80% of the pavers will be installed right up to the foundation of the house and other hard structures, while 20% will border up to St. Augustine grass.

The backyard relative to the house is not sloped or pitched real high, therefore, it's almost flat. Where the pavers border the grass, is there something that looks good and performs well from keeping out anything from the grass side [grass, soil, other] onto the pavers and potentially going into the pool? I am also trying to prevent weed eaters [from the yard guys] to propel debris into the pool or pavers that will be blown into the pool.

Short Description
We used all travertine based stones for everything, have all angles [as opposed to rounded edges], stucco house, 4 columns w 2 being scuppers and two firebowls, 9'x9' spa w sloped over flow in deep end [5.5'], columns from summer kitchen w Austin Stone, Austin Stone based fireplace and covered kitchen area of 22W x 30L. A stereo system w 55" HDTV & (4) 9" ceiling speakers, 2 pool rock speakers, 36" gas built-in FireMajic Grill/Rotisserie, Refrig, SS Sink, built-in trash-can, 3ft x 18ft granite counter top, (2) 1' x 7' granite benches btwn fireplace and columns, 22 LED lights. fans, etc. Just trying to give you an idea of the site so if you have some recommendations, it will fit in w the design and atmosphere.

As always, thank you for your coming as soon as we get the pavers in and I do NOT in mud/clay anymore.

I had 3,000 square feet of travertine installed. Typically, they will lay a concrete border along the grassy areas that locks in the travertine. I have attached a couple of pictures from my installation.

Thanks MartinK. You certainly do have a lot of stone, that's for sure - looks nice!

Is there anything you would have had them do differently now that your stone is installed? How long has it been completed.

I do not see a lot of grass, so I will assume you did not plant any or it's not prevalent where you are located>

Thanks again,
The early pictures were taken as the landscaping was being planted. We did plant grass in a lot of the areas. With 2 Great Danes, you need grass. I would not do anything differently. I can walk bare foot in the middle of the summer with out burning my feet. We love it

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