DE powder in pool


Active member
Aug 28, 2014
Haverhill, Mass
We have been getting DE powder in the pool ... probably because of a suction leak which we are now tracing. But my question is: when vacuuming out the DE powder, should we vacuum to waste? My husband said no, and so after vacuuming he backwashed “so the DE powder would not return”, and then we added more DE powder since you should add DE after each backwash.
This whole thing sounds wrong to me. PLEASE tell me the proper procedure for vacuuming and backwashing when DE is in the pool. THANK YOU!!!
If you vacuum up the DE, it ends up back in the filter where it belongs. I'm not sure why it would require a backwash, but assuming the right amount of DE is added, it shouldn't be an issue. Too much DE in the system can result in DE flowing into the pool.
DE in the pool is probably from a hairline crack in a manifold, a missing or ripped screen in the bleed tube inside, or a tear in a grid.

The ultimate fix is to vacuum it all up, backwash, then tear the filter apart and find the problem. One the problem is fixed and the inside of the filter is all clean, recharge the DE. Whatever small amounts you missed earlier will just cause the filter pressure to rise prematurely when it gets vacuumed up. When it's time to backwash again, the problem will all be gone.

It doesn't take much of a gap. DE is really fine and it's under a fair amount of pressure.
Could you please explain what is a "screen inside the bleed tube"? Thanks for your help.
Not knowing precisely what DE filter you have, I can't say you have one. But on many filters, there is a plastic tube that comes up from the lower manifold and is threaded between the grids. It has a cap on it with a fine mesh screen.
Here's the first good picture I could find
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