Cya on Amazon (Clorox 4lbs for $16)


Bronze Supporter
Oct 1, 2021
Los Angeles
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-60
Hi just checked my CYA (=30) and was out of the Clorox cya I usually use. It’s typically $20 for this packet at Walmart and I saw it’s about $4 cheaper on Amazon just now so I bought some. I like this because I usually use 1 of the 4lb packets each time I need to raise CYA.

Anyhow just wanted to share in case anyone else uses this one. I’m using the pool for the first time this season today so am pretty excited about the SWG. 🙂
I shop on Amazon, however, I buy in bulk knowing that keeping stabilizer in a dry environment it doesn’t go bad.

I get the Puritech 20lbs bag from Amazon. I measure out 4 lbs and have more for next time.

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I shop on Amazon, however, I buy in bulk knowing that keeping stabilizer in a dry environment it doesn’t go bad.

I get the Puritech 20lbs bag from Amazon. I measure out 4 lbs and have more for next time.

Woah now that’s a deal! I had been buying the Clorox, which was $15/4lb over the winter. But yours is a much better deal.
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I shop on Amazon, however, I buy in bulk knowing that keeping stabilizer in a dry environment it doesn’t go bad.

I get the Puritech 20lbs bag from Amazon. I measure out 4 lbs and have more for next time.

That link is for bicarb.

It’s not often that we get a better deal down under. I get it when it’s at Aldi AU$7/2kg. That’s about $10/2.5lbs.
I shop on Amazon, however, I buy in bulk knowing that keeping stabilizer in a dry environment it doesn’t go bad.

I get the Puritech 20lbs bag from Amazon. I measure out 4 lbs and have more for next time.

I think that’s not cya. The link took me to alkalinity increaser. But next time I buy I’ll look up puritech. I’m not picky, just like to stick with something I’ve used or someone here has vetted. 🙂
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This is the company who sells Puritech stabilizer on Amazon. You can do as good or better buying directly from their site. Right now they show the 25lb for $47.95 but Out Of Stock. Which is why you cannot find it on Amazon.

They have Puritech stabilizer from 5lbs to 50lbs but all Out Of Stock at the moment.

I bought 25lbs from them the end of last year.

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That link is for bicarb.
Sorry folks, I was way too quick to post. Lesson learned, check link before posting it and before running out the door to go to a picnic. It was a beautiful day here in Las Vegas.

Allen saw that Puritech is out of stock at Amazon. So what I thought I was linking to must have been an Amazon switcheroo to a best match.
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So what I thought I was linking to must have been an Amazon switcheroo to a best match.
It happens all the time. Or the copy/paste missed the last couple digits and it's a dead link. Sometimes I have to insert it several times, so you will get NO finger pointing from me. :)

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Not a problem, love a goog picnic, trust you had a good time.

I love a good link, always have, never know what you’ll find.
I ordered this from Amazon last week. AquaClear brand stabilizer, 6 lb. for $21.77 -- slightly cheaper per ounce than the Clorox brand ($0.23/oz vs. $0.25/oz). What I really wanted was a larger package. Maybe four years ago I bought a 20lb bag, but couldn't find it this time. It must be the same out-of-stock problem you guys saw.
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I just used my last
I ordered this from Amazon last week. AquaClear brand stabilizer, 6 lb. for $21.77 -- slightly cheaper per ounce than the Clorox brand ($0.23/oz vs. $0.25/oz). What I really wanted was a larger package. Maybe four years ago I bought a 20lb bag, but couldn't find it this time. It must be the same out-of-stock problem you guys saw.
Unfortunately, 1 month out for shipping.
I just used my last 4 lb. bag of Clorox brand I picked up 2 years ago for $6 each at Walmart in the off season. I bought all they had, which was around 8 bags.
I think regular price was $14/bag back then.
I'll be on the lookout again this fall.
How have you found the usage/dissolvability of the Clorox?

Not as good of a price (but pretty close), but I've used the 7 lb Pool Mate CYA ( for the past few years, and have found it REALLY easy to work with -- it dissolved faster than others I've used in the past. Like the difference between a couple days and a few hours to get a whole sockfull emptied. And it's usually readily available for same/next day delivery.

Not saying others aren't as good, just one I've had good luck with. It seems like Clorox products have not been as consistent or ideal as the brand name used to suggest -- there are threads on Clorox salt leaving iron stains, Clorox pool chlorine products containing copper (marketed as "xtraBlue!", and what used to be regular old plain Clorox bleach having "secret" splash reducing/color enhancing ingredients. Not to say they're all bad, just buyer beware.
How have you found the usage/dissolvability of the Clorox?

Not as good of a price (but pretty close), but I've used the 7 lb Pool Mate CYA ( for the past few years, and have found it REALLY easy to work with -- it dissolved faster than others I've used in the past. Like the difference between a couple days and a few hours to get a whole sockfull emptied. And it's usually readily available for same/next day delivery.

Not saying others aren't as good, just one I've had good luck with. It seems like Clorox products have not been as consistent or ideal as the brand name used to suggest -- there are threads on Clorox salt leaving iron stains, Clorox pool chlorine products containing copper (marketed as "xtraBlue!", and what used to be regular old plain Clorox bleach having "secret" splash reducing/color enhancing ingredients. Not to say they're all bad, just buyer beware.
I've found the Clorox dissolves fairly quickly. I put 2lb in two pantyhose, one in the skimmer (Pump running) and one in front of a return. After around an hour I go back and I am able to massage them both until the CYA dissolves completely in a few minutes.
It seems like Clorox products have not been as consistent or ideal as the brand name used to suggest --
Chlorox has nothing to do with pool products. They license their name to whoever wants to use it. (Or certain whoevers).
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