Cracked Filter Tank


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Oct 6, 2013
What fun. I've had a small leak on the side of my sand filter tank since last year. It initially wasn't much, this year it got worse so I replaced the O-ring between the multi port and the tank making sure everything was clean and lubed. I originally thought it looked like it was leaking right under the V-clamp. The lighting in the equipment shed is lousy so I got a flash light and inspected it and below is what I found. The smaller red area is where there are two leaks. The larger area is cracked but not leaking.

When I did find a replacement tank for my 25 year old filter it was $465.00. Can anyone suggest a way this might be fixed without replacing it? I figure I've got nothing to lose trying to fix before I replace.




I've seen how much force a tire releases when it's being mounted on a wheel and that's usually only about 10 psi. You don't want that filter to let go.
I will second Tim. A filter is a pressure vessel and is not something you can repair.

The plastic filters are made of are not repairable in any sort of reliable means.

A filter failure under normal operating pressure can be a very dramatic and destructive event. It's simple not worth the risk to people or property.
Pressurization will cause flexion of the vessel and the repair will not hold, especially in a high stress area like the collar. Anytime a pressurized vessel has cracked it no longer has structural integrity and should be replaced. I don't know how large your filter is but you can get a 24" Hayward sand filter for almost $100 less than a replacement tank.
At least being pressurized by water means the risk of a violent explosive release sending shards of plastic every which way is far lower than if it was pressurized with a compressible material like air.

Regardless I wouldn't mess with it--replace it.
Thanks guys, I got the answers I pretty much expected. I guess I'll bite the bullet and order the replacement. I just replaced the multi port last year. It's a 24" (300lb) tank. I'm not sure the $100 savings would be worth the grief to replumb it for the Hayward. Thanks for the link.

I'll post some pics tomorrow and see what you guys think. It might not be a bad idea to update the whole thing. I had a tough time finding the tank. It kept coming up as obsolete. Of course all the other parts I didn't need were available. The V-clamp alone is $83.00.

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