Cover with stairs?


New member
Sep 21, 2019
New Jersey
We have an above ground pool. This year we change the ladder to get into the pool to plastic steps to get into the pool. When we close the pool, we just unscrewed the ladder and pulled it out of the pool. The stairs are very heavy. We put sand in it for it to stay at the bottom. Now the pool cover does not cover the pool because there are two banisters that are very above the pool line. Do you have any suggestions on how to cover the pool because it will be very heavy and difficult to try to remove those stairs.
I changed over to Confer stairs this year for my above ground pool. The installation manual mentions you can leave the stairs in the pool for the winter but to move the stairs to the middle of the pool. It doesn't mention how to deal with a winter pool cover.

I did not go this route as I'm worried the ice which will form in the pool could damage the stairs and I'm certian the winter pool cover would end up getting ruined as the wind would cause the cover to rub on the stair rails which extend up into the air. It does not appear for my stairs the rails can be removed and reinstalled.

We bit the bullet and used food and a swim to get the extra muscle power needed to lift the stairs out of the pool. I put our old A-fame ladder in so anyone who still wants to swim can get in and out until we close up for the year.
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let this serve as a warning to not fill those things with sand! use removable weights such as bleach bottles filled with sand or concrete, or large diameter capped lengths of PVC pipe likewise filled with sand, gravel or concrete.

for the OP, if you absolutely can not get them out, you can try to remove the hand rails or you could try to tip the stairs over on their side or back so that they are fully under water
My plan is to remove the hand rails and leave it in there. People in warmer climates that do not close their pools, leave the stairs in year round. So why would it be any different with a cover on it for a few months?
FYI, I filled 2 pieces of 4" pvc pipe with sand and capped them off then mounted them to the bottom of my steps with zip ties. It has really worked well.
My neighbor has an ABG with wedding cake stairs. She uses cinderblocks inside to weigh it down. I am the putter inner and taker outter of said cinderblocks. It is always awkward to go under and fish them out of the hole, and also very very cold at the time, but it only takes a few minutes. Once the weights are out the stairs pretty much float so we just take them out to not subject the top half to the winter ice. The neighbors are super good people so the hugs and thank yous warm me right up each time. And I also get to make some ‘I was in the pool !!’ Jokes.
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My neighbor has an ABG with wedding cake stairs. She uses cinderblocks inside to weigh it down. I am the putter inner and taker outter of said cinderblocks. It is always awkward to go under and fish them out of the hole, and also very very cold at the time, but it only takes a few minutes. Once the weights are out the stairs pretty much float so we just take them out to not subject the top half to the winter ice. The neighbors are super good people so the hugs and thank yous warm me right up each time. And I also get to make some ‘I was in the pool !!’ Jokes.
How cold? Like about when do you usually do this?
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