Coping over coping? Underwater diamond brite repair?

Jun 19, 2013
Sunny Florida
Hi everyone, we are doing remodel and our pool leak contractor is probably also doing our pool tiles. We just found a leak at the spa and are about to fix. This sort of spurred together a remodel project.

Previous owner had plaster repairs done in pool and they took terrible. They are splotches of gray in a blue diamond brite pool. The leak and tile guy says he can mix diamond brite and apply it over to blend it. He says he can do this underwater. I insisted I could drain pool, but he says its not necessary. My question is can this even look good if done under water like this?

Also, this guy is insisting that they now make coping to go over current coping. He doesnt do it, but he said the paver people do it and re can repave everything this way and then he will come and remove tiles and re-do them last. Is this possible and should he do tiles last?

When is the time to do a small rock waterfall etc? Before the leak is sealed up at the pool?
I understand that you can do plaster underwater but can you also do diamond brite under water?

He said he himself doesnt do coping or pool deck, but he told me pool companies are now offering coping over coping options when tiling or paving over existing pavers so all would be same level.
Diamond Bright is just a Portland cement plaster mix with proprietary polymer additives and aggregate. SO sure it will work underwater. Now you just need to find a trained applicator who does it underwater.

I can see placing pavers over and old deck but fail to see the advantage (other than cost) of tiling over tile or placing anything over pavers.

Somehow I doubt tile over tile will meet the specs of the adhesive. I also have similar doubts regarding placing pavers over existing pavers or placing coping over coping. You may be able to do it but you generally wouldn't want to.
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