Complete beginner to pools, looking for advice


New member
Aug 15, 2023

In a unique situation in that I have no history of this pool except for the pictures I've got and knowing its a pebble tec. I have no idea when chlorine stopped being added but the pool is almost solid green. I spent yesterday calling lots of pool service companies, everyone is quoting to drain and pressure wash ($800), some even wanted to do an acid wash ($2k). Whats the recommendation for a pool in this situation and for someone with 0 experience?

The SLAM method looks promising, I'm estimating its probably been sitting for 9+ months, would slam handle this? Another consideration is that I'm trying to get the pool up to speed asap for as much of summer we've got left. If going this route and before any testing, should I prep by draining at least some of the water? Basically would want to do as much as I can while I wait for the test kit to come in. When I say 0 experience I'm not even sure if this is salt or not. If ignoring cost, is drain and wash the fastest option?

Would appreciate any and all advice/recommendations and can upload more pics if needed. TIA

EDIT: I'm also assuming all hardware is functioning properly
Welcome to TFP.

Your quickest path to swimming if money is less of a concern then time is:

  • Drain and pressure wash the pool
  • Once you can see the walls then decide if an acid wash is needed or just pressure clean the plaster
  • Fill the pool and get the equipment running
  • Do a quick SLAM Process to get any remaining algae
  • Balance the chemicals
  • Go swim
I just did this for a pool my son got that had been a green swamp for a few years.

Note that there is a risk in draining the pool if you have a high water table. Minimize the risk by keeping the pool empty for as few days as possible.

Have you started up the equipment and know it all works?

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