Cloudy water


Jun 2, 2021
Cranston, RI
Hi Jay,
you can tell if your main drain is working by perhaps putting a leaf on it. If it sticks, its working.

In any case though, the main drain is not why your pool is having a problem. It has nothing to do with your pool turning green. The returns alone will circulate teh water sufficiently to chlorinate it.
The reason is because your Chlorine level isn't maintained sufficiently relative to the CYA level.

You need to SLAM the pool. Being a new poster here, I know that is probably a foreign pool term to you. Its about the same as shocking but using liquid chlorine and MAINTAINING shock level FC until testing of the water can prove the algae all gone.

To begin to understand whats happening, TFP recommends to first read the ABS's of pool chemistry.
(you dont need to be a scientist). And no one intends you to get 100% of it right away. But its a start.
ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry

Also read how to SLAM a pool, which is what you really need to do ASAP.
SLAM - Shock Level and Maintain

What if you have cloudy water BUT with high free chlorine AND with zero cya.
What if you have cloudy water BUT with high free chlorine AND with zero cya.
More information needed - full test results, pool info, history of what has been done recently and what other chemicals have gone into the pool. I would recommend starting a thread with the info if you would like assistance. :)
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