Cloudy water wont uncloudy ..


Nope, we got them out already and I have been checking it we were flocking prior to this and when things settled to the bottom all we had was the Ick in the pool. maybe one or two leaves and some bugs...but that was it. When I flocked it prior to shocking could see everything in it...just the ick in the water was there..all settled to the bottom.
Ok, I've done some research on the products you're using. The clarathon hose filter looks to be just a pleat filter, so no prob there, in fact it'll help you in the long run when adding fill water. The Banish algaecide does contain copper (attached MSDS), but unless you have used a tremendous amount quite recently, it shouldn't be affecting your water like this. In the future though, I would not recommend using any copper based algaecides. They are effective against algae, but can be harmful to the environment, especially if you you are back washing and dumping it somewhere. It's a known toxin to fish and aquatics. The only product I would recommend in the future is a poly-based algaecide, I have attached a photo of the one I use on a weekly basis. They are made by many companies, so you'll most likely find it at your pool store. Could be under the names of of Polyquat, Algaecide 60, Algea Destroyer, etc. You'll have to look at the label to make sure the ingredients are the same as the one I posted. All algeacides, however, are only good as a preventative, so it'll be something to consider once we get you cleared up. Since we don't have any obvious sources of large amounts of metals entering the pool, I have to believe you have just come across a stubborn algae bloom. You're just going to have to keep at it, and eventually it will clear up. As far as, draining the pool, there can be problems when draining an above ground pool 100%. Depending on how your pool was built, and the surrounding land (i.e. embankments, slopes and hills), a cave in could be possible without any water to support it. If anything I would drain no more than 50% of the water to be on the safe side. Also, there could be issues with the liner with no water in the pool. Draining the water now would not help your current algae problem, in fact, it may make it worse. You'll be diluting the algae, but, also the chlorine. You also would not be able to circulate the water, while refilling, giving the algae time to grow again, without the proper amount of chlorine in the water.


gordyjamz....thanks so much for the info and digging around. I agree...I think right now more harm than good will come if I drain the water. It was a last minute, desperate idea. lol I didnt' know that the algaecide contained copper so good to know for future reference. I too am starting to thing I have a very stubborn algae in my pool....I hope I win this battle but am alittle skeptical b/c we have been fighting it for so long. Im keeping up the shocking process but hope to see results this week or I will have to close the pool first of Aug. I just feel adding more time and money to it at that point in time is not going to help. I hope i am wrong on that though and I hope I see results by tmrw...even if they are minor. I did go back and look at the pool ladder pics and I honestly dont see a change in them. I think this mornings pictures were more cloudy than yesterday actually. :/

thanks again for looking that info up for me...I wont use that product again.
guardwife2 said:
im hoping too:) lol
We're all pullin for ya. I'm going to throw something out there and hopefully we'll get some others to chime in. Two things stand out to me--metals and floc.

You've done a great job starting the shocking process. Your water is still green. It should have turned milky. I think you're killing the algae but metals are tinting your water. The metals can wait.

Now about the floc. Some of that cloudiness could be that danged floc. Here's my idea. Keep the shocking process going but turn your pump off before going to bed. Leave it off till morning. See if that stuff settles to the bottom. If it does, vacuum slowly to waste.

I don't think this will set you back any, other than those lost filtering hours.
If you shock the pool at the recommended level and keep it at that shock level, then the green algae should turn cloudy white in a day or two (unless it's a swamp). If it doesn't, then you may have something additional going on in the pool such as metals (perhaps iron, if the vinyl is blue).

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You could try that tonight, turning the pump off and see if it settles to the bottom, and SLOWLY vacuuming it to waste.Before doing so, I would make sure your FC is still at shock level. Since the algae won't be actively growing at night, it would be the best time to try it. Chem geek is right, should've seen some kinda color change to white by now.
my husband put new sand in last yr...even though it is a 4 yr old pool...we had algae problem the second yr of using cleared up fast though...last yr pool season was awesome!!! clear as a bell all season long. But we added new sand last yr and he checked everything out at the beginning of this yr. The pump seems to be doing it's job. I/we haven't noticed it doing anything different at all. water is being pushed back in great and when we flocked it did a great job of getting it mixed in and settling it.

Gordyjamz..I know...that is what worries me..there is no visiable change at all. I was hitting it hard last night too....still am today. so something should of changed by now. getting ready to go out and do another test of the water so Ill be posting those soon. it is pretty cloudy here so im hoping with the sun being down the chlroine isn't being lost as much with full sun.
I still think it's too early to say it hasn't changed enough. Maybe take a stroll through some of the swamp threads and see how fast other pools change. I've seen many that took quite a few days to look much different.
guardwife2 said:
gordyjamz....thanks so much for the info and digging around. I agree...I think right now more harm than good will come if I drain the water. It was a last minute, desperate idea. lol I didnt' know that the algaecide contained copper so good to know for future reference. I too am starting to thing I have a very stubborn algae in my pool....I hope I win this battle but am alittle skeptical b/c we have been fighting it for so long. Im keeping up the shocking process but hope to see results this week or I will have to close the pool first of Aug. I just feel adding more time and money to it at that point in time is not going to help. I hope i am wrong on that though and I hope I see results by tmrw...even if they are minor. I did go back and look at the pool ladder pics and I honestly dont see a change in them. I think this mornings pictures were more cloudy than yesterday actually. :/

thanks again for looking that info up for me...I wont use that product again.

Well, yes you have been fighting it, but not how we do it here, you have only been CORRECTLY doing it for 2 days. So in my book not very long.
Have some POP. Don't get me wrong...I'm very happy to see that you are following our advice and instructions. I think in the beginning there was some confusion about how to do this, with the biggest was NOT have reliable test results. Store or otherwise, so that cost you a lot of time and $$ on bleach and shock chlorine targets that weren't met, so it was a waste
of time mostly.
Hang in there, your doing great.

Vette said:
I wouldn't turn my pump off when shocking an algae infested pool.
Chicken. :-D I just get the feeling that guardwife is ready to throw in the towel. :cry: I'm thinkin maybe if a significant part of that clouding is that pesky floc and it does settle, she'll be able to see a difference and some light at the end of the tunnel. If she hadn't added the floc, turning off the pump would be the last thing I'd recommend.
Here's a pic of my pool on June 1st...

Here's a pic on June 4th...

It took almost 4 days to get clear. That cloudiness was algae, dead algae and it still took 4 days to clear up. I didn't even start with a full green algae bloom. Please Please don't throw in the towel yet. You are on your way. POP is hard to come by sometimes, I know. Keep on keeping at it and it will clear up!

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