Cleaning Kool Deck


Sep 9, 2016
Southeast Louisiana
My pool was installed 9 years ago. It was and is my first pool, and while I educated myself on overall project cost, I just rolled with my contractor’s defaults in terms of decking, which was Kool Deck.

I am fine with the Kool Deck, other than cleaning it. We have a large wooded lot, and we live in a warm humid climate, so I expected there to be some organic buildup in the cracks and crevices, aside from just dirt.

I keep the deck swept, and don’t let pine needles, leaves, etc. sit around for long. But every year, the grime gets darker and the buildup gets more stubborn. I have tried the power washer with the deck-cleaning attachment, I’ve tried the power washer without the deck-cleaning attachment (though I’ve never tried the 0°/15°/25° nozzles out of fear of blasting off the Kool Deck coating), I’ve tried Wet & Forget, and I’ve even tried full strength roof algae cleaner. Nothing makes much of a dent.


As you can see, it’s really starting to look gross, and worse, some areas are starting to get slippery. Which I cannot have.

I am not sure what else to try, but would be grateful for any constructive suggestions beyond what I’ve already done.

Please and thank you.
You might search the forum for "kool deck cleaning"

One option?
You might search the forum for "kool deck cleaning"

One option?
I did. Did not find much beyond what I had already tried. Pressure wash, Wet & Forget, scrubbing, etc.

Was hoping someone had some (literal) special sauce that would knock this out.
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