Chlorine stabilizer in a sock in the skimmer or bottom of pool


Gold Supporter
Feb 7, 2017
Tulsa, OK
I am going to add a whole bottle of chlorine stabilizer. The bottle says to spread it on the bottom of the deep end of the pool. However, I have read on this forum that some people suggest putting it in a sock in the skimmer.

If you are going to do a whole bottle is it just best to put it on the bottom of the deep end?
Never put raw stabilizer (CYA) into the pool. It can stain your pool finish.
Add the CYA by using what we call the sock method. Get an old sock (no holes) and put the measured amount of CYA you need. Tie the sock closed and either suspend it in front of a return (hang it from your brush pole works with something weighted on the deck) OR if it still allows flow thru the skimmer, place the sock in the skimmer. Every 15/20 minutes give the sock a squeeze to speed up the process. Please DO NOT follow the directions on the container of CYA to just pour it into the skimmer and don't just toss the sock in the pool as the CYA is acidic and can bleach/stain pool finishes.
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I personally put the sock in the skimmer. But I have a small pool so only add 1lb of CYA at a time. After a couple days the CYA is fully dissolved without any squeezing.
As Mendy said -- no rush. Normally after a day or so it will have turned to mush and can be squeezed out pretty quickly. Using a knee-high stocking or other thin mesh stocking works best.
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