Chlorine Smell


Gold Supporter
Jul 8, 2015
Lansdale, PA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
My pool is up and running, water is crystal clear, but it smells like chlorine. I don't remember it smelling this way in previous years. Here are my test numbers:

FC 4
CC 0
TC 4
TA 120
PH 7.6
CYA 20 - I'm in the process of increasing this to 30, sock is in the skimmer now :)
OCLT - lost 1ppm overnight

Any thoughts on why it suddenly smells?


If the pool is being used, sometimes you will be smelling the CC (combined chlorine) that attaches to bathing suits, towels, etc. If the chlorine smell is a day later when no one is using the pool and all your levels are perfect and water is clear, then I believe you have a sensitive nose and breathing, which is great (probably are not allergic). I can only smell really bad stuff.

I would not put too much emphasis as your levels seem fine for your CYA. Thanks!

Are you using a cover of any type? If so, this can increase the smell as the CC's don't dissipate.

Since you don't normally smell it, and your numbers look ok, I'd wait a couple of days.

If the smell continues, I'd bring the pool up to the SLAM level for a couple of days and see if that takes care of it.


Jim R.
The pool was opened a week ago and I got all the levels to the proper place yesterday.

I'm using the TF 100. Calcium hardness is 300.

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No cover. Thanks, I'll see how it goes through the weekend.


- - - Updated - - -

Hi, I do have a super sensitive nose! Thanks.
I encountered this recently. Test showed no CC, water was perfectly clear and even FC was holding, but I could smell the pool. I discovered mold on underside of my skimmer lid. I knew I had let FC dip, but even with rigorous testing, the lid was my only clue that there was fallout from low FC levels.

I didn't SLAM. I just upped the FC to the top end of the target range and bleached the lid. The smell went away and hasn't returned.

The experience taught me to:

- trust my kit and my senses
- keep FC levels where they should be
- take corrective action when tests, nose or eyes tell me something is amiss
Since all your levels look good, I wouldn't do anything drastic. Let the stabilizer come up and give it a little time.

My current issue is that I bought a house with a pool that was already loaded with CYA so it's still current ~100ppm and my FC is currently 14.5ppm and no smell. So I'm thinking as you get the stabilizer distributed and the CYA/FC ratio in line, the smell might go away.
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